N I N E T Y - O N E

952 40 19

Twenty Three + (24) Years Old ❣︎ March

"Good afternoon!" Archie smiles brightly into the camera. "Today, although most of you don't know, it is Juggy's birthday! So of course since we're not nice people our friends and I are going to piss him off by pretending we're all busy today." He giggles as the people watching his live stream start to get excited. "So he doesn't wake up until after three anyways but let's see if he's up. He might be. It'll be even better if he was already up for hours. I'm about to go home now. I'm only a few steps away. I'm excited." He smiles again, reading some of the comments.

Archie and Jackson were talking about how funny it would if Jughead thought they were all avoiding him. Originally, Jackson wanted to pretend that they forgot about his birthday all together but Jughead would've known Archie wouldn't have forgotten. So instead, they all got everyone involved to, well, ignore the raven haired beauty.

Archie pauses the live stream and walks into the front lobby, waving high to the doorman and making his way up the stairs until he stops in front of the door and turns live back on.

"Okay, so I feel like he's really going to find me out if I just hold this in my hands uh, what should I do?" Archie asks nervously. Some of the comments suggest to put it in his shirt pocket. "That's so weird ew he'll call me out in a second." He laughs. "I'll just hold it in my hands and set it down somewhere so you can see if I'm sneaky enough. Also, he's pretty oblivious so this should work." He suggests before unlocking the door and walking in. "Babe, I'm ho-" he begins but is interrupted by Jughead running up to him and engulfing him in a big hug from behind as Archie's eyes widen and the live stream starts to flood with tones of adoring comments.

"I've missed you! Where you been?" He mumbles adorably, and Archie almost feels bad for playing this trick on him.


So he just laughs instead and walks to the kitchen counter as Jughead still holds him tightly to his waist. He takes this moment to place the phone in between some random boxes of cereal so it's unnoticeable, but sight is still possible for the people watching, before turning around and hugging him back.

"I was at the cafe, sorry. How long have you been up?"

"Since ten. I didn't want to sleep too long because I wanted to spend the whole day with you but you were gone." He pouts.

Of course it's the day when I'm playing with him that he has to be all adorable.

"I feel honored." Archie teases before kissing his forehead quickly.

"We always spend the whole day together marathoning movies on my birthday, we can't break tradition." He laughs. Archie bites his lip and sends a quick guilty glance towards the camera.

"About that..." Archie begins sadly.

"About that?" Jughead frowns before pulling away from him.

"Betty really needs my help at the animal shelter today and I promised her I would be there." He sighs.

"Oh..." Jughead says dejectedly. "Um, okay. Maybe we can do something when you get back?" He suggests, trying not to show how much it hurts.

"Yeah, I'm not sure when I'll be back but definitely." He assures before grabbing his hands and swinging them back and forth. "Happy birthday, I love you." Archie says happily before letting go and walking towards the door.

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