T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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Fifteen Years Old ❣︎ May

"Do you wanna have sex?"

Archie chokes on his water, coughing and sputtering as Jughead looks at him worriedly.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Um, what do you mean? With you?"

"No, I mean in general. In the future with anyone."

Archie blushes at his first assumption of Jughead's question before nodding his head.


"I don't know, just wondering I guess." Jughead shrugs before going back to his homework. Archie eyes him quizzically before shaking his head and attempting to drink his water again.

"Do you even like Val?" Jughead bites his lip, pushing his homework away from him. He was done anyways, he was just trying to do some extra credit but he can't focus on that right now.

"Yeah, I mean I'm dating her, right?" Archie shrugs.

"Are you asking me, or yourself?"

"Yeah to be honest I don't even know if we're dating right now." Archie chuckles weakly.

"Would you have sex with her?"

"Well yeah, not now, but I'd want to after a while if our relationship ever becomes normal and stable."


"Would I want to have sex with her?"


"I don't know, she's gorgeous and her body's beautiful, and she's honestly a really interesting person. And I guess everyone else our age just thinks sex is sex but I feel like its just the closest you can get with a person, so it better be someone you trust and have feelings for. But I guess that's just me."

Jughead just hums and stares into space. His explanation is a 100% better than the one Reggie gave him in the beginning in the year. It still doesn't do anything to make him feel less confused though.

"What's with the interrogation though? Who are you trying to have sex with?"

"No one." Jughead blushes red turning his attention to the kitchen island where they're sat.

"Then why are you blushing?"

"Because you're embarrassing me."

"Fine, then are you trying to date anybody?"

Maybe, but the point of having a best friend is to keep things platonic and he'd never go for me.


"Well I'm sure people are trying to date you."

"I doubt that."

"You're kidding, right?"

Jughead just shrugs.

Truth is random people did end up asking him out ever since Betty, and even last week but he never really understood why. Maybe not everyone is like him, but he doesn't see how someone could like someone if they never even bothered to say a word to the person.

And since the people who asked him out never even bothered to say anything to him before that, he just doesn't get why they asked him out.

He thinks his appearance is average, at best, and if you're not falling for his personality he isn't quite sure how his looks persuade you to want to go with him.

His confidence could be a lot better.

"I don't like when people I don't know ask me out, it makes me feel uncomfortable and I have this habit of seeming really harsh and nonchalant about everything so it throws people off."

"You don't say?"

"Shut up."

"What if Reggie asked you out?"

"First off, he seems homophobic on the down low although he hasn't really said anything rude lately, and second of all I'm pretty sure he doesn't like guys."

"Do you like guys?"

"I don't know, I honestly like who I like and I don't think I need a label for it."

Archie smiles to himself at the tiny confession.

It means he has a chance now.

"Okay but you didn't answer my question. If Reggie asked you out, would you say yes?"

"I don't know to be honest. Ask me a year ago, and I would've said no." Jughead sighs.

"What changed?"

"I got to know him more. He's actually not an asshole."

"So does that mean you have feelings for him?"

"No, it means that if he asked me out there's a high possibility of me gaining feelings for him if we dated."

"So wouldn't that mean you'd say yes?"

"It depends."


"If I want to catch feelings for the idiot."

"Do you want to?"

"Not really."


"Why good?"


"Because why?"

"Just because." Archie smirks before getting up from the island and putting his cup into the sink. Jughead rolls his eyes with a small smile before shaking his head playfully.

"You're something else."

"As long as I'm something to somebody."


Little bit of a filler but also a little bit important :)

Jughead knows he likes Archie, but he doesn't really care if he's gay, or bi, or pan etc.

Archie was confused and he felt more comfortable with accepting himself once he found a label, but Jughead doesn't necessarily care. He falls for who he falls for, and that's enough of an explanation for him.

And it should be for you :)

I mean unless you want to make your own assumptions that's fine too.

I feel like I'm not going to give you guys anymore warnings. I'll just let you open The chapter and start freaking out without telling you to prepare yourself because I'm evil.


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