T W E N T Y - O N E

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Eleven Years Old ❣︎ August

"J!" The young raven haired girl's voice sounds as Jughead opens the door to the small trailer house.

"JB!" He chuckles as he stretches his arms out wide, smiling as his sister easily runs into them.

She is currently three, turning four next week, and no one could hardly believe it. It seems like just days ago Mrs. Jones was being thrown a baby shower.

"Can we play a game? Please? Pretty please?" Jelly Bean begs.

"Hmm, I don't know." Jughead shrugs playfully, trying to hold back his smile. He would always play with Jelly Bean, that wasn't even a question. Sometimes it's just fun to mess with her.

"C'monnnn" she wines, gently poking her brothers stomach.

"Only if you say that I'm the best big brother in the world." Jughead smiles.

Jelly Bean playfully wrinkles her nose up in disgust. "You taught me not to lie."

The older sibling gasps before pulling Jelly Bean onto his lap and tickling her, causing giggles and shrieks to fill the room.

"What exactly is--" Mrs. Jones starts to mumble under her breath as she makes her way into the living room, stopping dead in her tracks at the scene in front her.

"Okay, OKAY! Stopp." Jelly Bean laughs.

"Are you going to say it?" Jughead asks, his assault unceasing.

"You're the best big brother in the world." She giggles, trying to catch her breath once Jughead withdraws his attack and places her gently beside him on the couch.

Mrs. Jones smiles fondly at the duo's banter, proud that the two get along so well.

"What are you two doing?" Mrs. Jones voice rings sweetly into the living room as she finally decided to join the two.

"Nothing." They both shrug, causing their mom to roll her eyes at that response.

"He's about to play a game with me!" Jelly Bean smiles happily before getting up and walking towards her room.

"Um, what game are we playing?" Jughead asks curiously.

"I'm going to give you a make over." She giggles, causing the older boy's eyes to widen in fear.

His sister frowns a bit at his reaction. "You don't want one?"

"As long as you make me look fabulous." Jughead smiles, sucking it up for his sister. If she's happy, he's happy. Both Him and his mom watch as the girl skips off.

"You really are the best big brother, you know?" Mrs. Jones says before patting his knee and walking off towards the kitchen to start dinner.

In less than ten minutes, Jelly Bean has pulled out all of Mrs. Jones' makeup deemed acceptable for her to use, and her favorite bottle of pink nail polish that smells like strawberries.

"I'm so excited! Come here!" She squeaks, patting the seat of one of her green plastic chairs that only she can fit comfortably in.

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