T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Eleven Years Old ❣︎ November

Jughead's locker slams shut with a bang, just in time for him to quickly take his fingers out of it.

"Do you know what time it is?" Reggie teases maliciously, causing Jughead to frown, but not backdown.

"Time for you to learn about oral hygiene? Do you even brush your teeth?" Jughead wrinkles his nose up in disgust before attempting to turn around, only to be pulled back and slammed against the locker.

"I see you never learn your lesson about trying to step up to me." Reggie grunts before kneeing Jughead's shaking form in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain.

"Maybe if you stopped throwing insults back at me, I wouldn't have to hurt you."

"You're just mad because I'm the only one who will throw insults back at you, and you don't know how to handle that." Jughead groans out from the floor.

Most of the school has gotten over the infamous beauty queen picture, and no one really even talks about it anymore.

Except Reggie.

Reggie won't leave the boy alone.

It started with stupid comments about his hat, or how he dressed, and of course his name. But Jughead always had a sassy comment in return.

Reggie secretly likes that.

However, he knows he can't beat Jughead with words, so lately he's opted for violence instead.

Jughead still refuses to back down.

And Reggie secretly likes that even more.

Reggie kicks the raven haired boy on his side, causing another groan of pain to echo throughout the empty hallway.

"You're beneath me, and you'll never be better than me." Reggie shrugs carelessly before walking down the hallway and back to class where he should've been all along.

Middle School sucks.

Jughead winces when clutching his side, assuming there's probably going to be a bruise there tomorrow. Sixth grade is already going so bad for him, and the worst part is that things only seem to get worse.

If it's not the constant bullying, it's the fact that his and Archie's friendship has changed drastically ever since middle school started.

They quickly got over their fight from the first day of school, but it still didn't mean things went back to normal. Archie has been so focused on being liked by new people, that he's ditching Jughead to do it.

And Jughead isn't oblivious.

But if getting out of the picture makes Archie happy, he'll do it.

Doesn't mean it hurts any less though.

The thing that hurts the most, is that Archie all of sudden became best friends with Reggie, the very same guy that bullies Jughead everyday. Archie can't not know Reggie does this to him.

Archie was the first person he told when Reggie put his hands on him for the first time, and the only thing Archie had to say was, "You probably provoked him, just ignore it."

If Archie didn't care that someone was hurting him, what made Jughead think that anybody else would?

So he hasn't told anyone else, and he won't dare to mention it again to Archie.

He knows that how Archie is treating him is wrong, but that's his best friend. He can't even hate him for it, although he wants to.

And to add the icing on the cake, things are just constantly getting worse at home. His dad's drinking is getting way out of hand again, and he's starting to get more aggressive.

Jughead is scared.

And Jughead isn't scared of a lot of things.

The raven haired boy finally musters up the strength to get up and head back to class, trying to cover up the limp in his step, and the pain in his heart.


Jughead is honestly so strong guys, so don't worry he'll get through this.

And I'm so sorry I'm breaking your jarchie hearts but I promise you things will get better between the two next chapter.

And I'm lowkey mad some of you guys called out Reggie's storyline from the jump in the character ask 😂😂😂😂

Y'all are smart, so now I gotta change it up a bit

*laughs evilly*

Also, chapter thirty two.

All I'm going to say ^

I might update again this week just because I feel bad about leaving you like this.

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