Asexuality (just a clear up)

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I've been getting a lot of comments and private messages when I suggested the whole sex scene thing. So I think it's best that I clear some stuff up based on what I know, have read, have been told, have researched, and stuff like that.

I'm not asexual by the way, but I'm very interested in it? Sounds like I'm talking about it like it's a hobby or something wow. But I asked a lot of people and I researched some things and I've visited websites because I'm so curious about how a community with a rather large group of people, is almost never talked about.

And I'm honestly getting a lot of unnecessarily rude messages for even asking a question about adding a sex scene in this book so I feel as if I need to clear up some things.

I'm about to bring y'all to school.

relating to the instincts, physiological processes, and activities connected with physical attraction or intimate physical contact between individuals.

1.) capacity for sexual feelings.
2.) a person's sexual orientation or preference.

A person who does not experience sexual attraction.
Or literally?
Not sexual.

There are many definitions out there for asexuality, but this is the most true to nature one that gathers every asexual into one definition.

Some of you might not even know that there are different types of asexuals, but you're quick to judge and assume. It's okay to assume and ask questions, but it's another to be rude about it.

So let me just say it one time for all the people in the back.



And if you're trying to figure out your sexuality right now, and you think you may be asexual?

I'm telling you that it's not solely based on whether or not you have a desire to have sex with someone. That is a qualification, but that barely scrapes the surface. It's about the absence of attraction.

Sexuals will have sex without being attracted to someone. There's no difference.

Some asexuals will have sex because they just might plain enjoy it.

People having sex for pleasure, shocker right?

Some asexuals have no desire for having sex and are indifferent about it. They could go their whole lives without having sex and feel perfectly content.

Everyone is different.

Some asexuals have sex because they want to please their partner in a relationship, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. As long as you're comfortable and aren't being forced into anything you don't want to do, go for it! Some people like to compromise.

Some asexuals don't even masturbate.

There's a whole spectrum of asexuals, and I recommend that if you think you are? Go on to the AVEN website. It explains a lot, there's helpful threads, and it's a pretty non toxic community.

Although, fights do break out on the difference between "true asexuality" and "grey asexuality".

But honestly, if you don't want to go that far in classifying yourself, than you shouldn't have to.

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