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Eleven Years Old ❣︎ May

Fifth grade was like senior year for elementary school. If they're being honest here, Jughead and Archie didn't really learn much, but somehow their grades have never been as high as they have this year.

The year was spent taking tons of field trips, rather than tests, and bringing treats rather than pens and pencils.

The best part about fifth grade though, is that Archie and Jughead's grade gets let out earlier than every other grade, and today is their 5th grade graduation.

Sure, it's almost as corny as the kindergarten one, but this time it's more professional. The auditorium has been reserved for the 5th graders, and tickets had to be bought to enter. Some kids were chosen to make speeches, one of those being Jughead, and some were chosen to lead whole entire songs, Archie being chosen to lead two of them.

Archie had led "Count On Me" by Bruno Mars flawlessly, and even sang the national anthem beautifully without messing up. Despite all of that, he couldn't help but to want to cry.

His mom didn't show.

"Throughout my 6 years here, I have loved everything about this school, from the teachers, to the principles, to the classrooms, to my friends. I have achieved so much, like attending a science summer camp in New York, that only 24 middle schoolers got invited to in this state. I was the acceptation. I will miss this place so much, and hopefully I continue to be good at school in the years to come."

Jughead recites his speech perfectly, causing a small smile to spread across Archie's face as the audience claps wildly.

Archie can admit, that yeah, he might have little crush on the raven haired boy, maybe since third grade, but it's just a crush.

It'll go away, eventually.

He hopes.

It's not that he doesn't want to crush on Jughead, he just doesn't want to crush on his best friend. It's not right, and it'll only ruin things.

He has to make sure Jughead never ever finds out.

The redhead is snapped out of his thoughts as Jughead comes up behind him and wraps him in a huge hug.

"You did so good today!" Jughead praises, making Archie blush and nod.

"You did too!" Archie smiles weakly.

Jughead has already gotten 4 awards, one of them being "most outstanding student" for the whole grade.

"What's wrong?" The raven haired boy frowns immediately, quickly turning the redhead around at the sound of his voice.

"Guess who's not here."

Jughead quickly takes Archie's hand and sneaks them out of the auditorium, and outside the school.

"She loves you Arch." Jughead begins.

"No she doesn't." Archie spits out angrily, causing Jughead to sit down on the grass and pull him into his lap.

"Yes she does. And yes, it's wrong if her not to show up."

"I'm not even surprised." Archie tries to say angrily, but the crack in his voice gives away how upset he is.

"It's okay to wish she was there for you."

"Why wish for something that'll never happen." Archie chokes out, tears starting to pour down his face.

"Isn't that the point of making a wish?"

Archie stares into Jughead's gorgeous eyes, and sighs.

"I hate you and your logic so much sometimes."

"No you don't." Jughead giggles before delicately wiping the redhead's tears away.

"Ready to go back inside?"

The scarlet hue nods his head dubiously, getting up and helping the darker hue up as well.

The two walk hand an hand towards the auditorium doors, and Archie can't help but to think about how much things have changed since their last graduation.

The only thing that hasn't changed, is that it's still Archie and Jughead, and that's the way it'll always be.


Archie finally admitted to himself he has a crush on Jughead.

Hmm I wonder what will happen *evil laugh*

Also, friendly reminder that bughead happens for like one chapter coming up really soon.

I hope y'all don't run away screaming.

But you'll see why it happens, it's a little bit forced.

Okay a lotta bit forced.

I might finish 6th grade by the end of the day.

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