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Twenty One Years Old ❣︎ January

"I didn't even know you had a tumblr." Jackson pouts, nuzzling his head into Jughead's chest as he looks through his asks.

"No one knows about it." Jughead says softly.

"How many followers do you have?"

"Over 2,000 I think." Jughead shrugs, not wanting to make a big deal about it. He posts some of his writing on there and some photos of himself. He didn't know it would blow up as much as it did, but apparently you can get anywhere if people find you attractive. He isn't on his blog often, but he decided to tell everyone about his book release the other day and he has been getting a lot of support.

"Do they know about the book?"

"Yup, some of them are coming to the press release. I don't know why random house is making such a big deal about my book, but apparently they think it's going to sell really well." Jughead blushes, cringing at the thought of having to sit in front of people and talk about his book. He's never liked being in front of crowds.

"I think it's going to sell well too." Jackson agrees, sighing happily.

"I hope so. I keep telling myself that I'll be okay if it doesn't sell or do well, but I'll probably be really disappointed. I don't want to come into this with that type of attitude though." Jughead admits.

"Then don't. Think happy thoughts."

"All I think are stressful thoughts. I only have two days to prepare for the type of questions they ask me and I have to find a way to cover my tattoo." Jughead pouts.

"Why do you have to cover it? It's so pretty." Jackson questions sadly.

"I don't want anybody to ask about it. It's meaning is meant for me to know, not for anybody else."

Jughead had decided to get a tattoo after all last December. Jackson came with him and started crying when the needle touched Jughead's skin so Jughead had to hold Jackson's hand instead of the other way around.

"Why can't you tell me what it means?" Jackson pouts, raising his head to give his best friend the most convincing puppy dog eyes he can manage.

"Maybe one day." Jughead laughs, not falling for it.

"I bet you Archie knows." Jackson huffs, removing himself from Jughead's arms with a sigh.

"Well I didn't tell him I got the tattoo in the first place."

"Why not?"

"He didn't want me to get one."

"Why not?" Jackson asks again, causing Jughead to blush.

"I can't repeat it." He says shyly, remembering the dirty phrase Archie used.

"I probably won't get it anyways." Jackson points out.

"Fine. He mumbled something along the lines of having to jerk off to the thought of me even more because apparently he has a kink for, 'beautiful boys with beautiful tattoos' now I guess." Jughead rambles. "Or maybe he always had one, you know a tattoo thing, but we don't talk about those kinds of things." Jughead continues, only blushing more and more. "I mean, okay I guess I kind of knew Archie got off somehow, and I guess I should have assumed it was to me, but hearing it out loud makes me feel weird." He pauses, looking over at Jackson who is trying not to laugh. "Get that look off your face! Jeez!" He mumbles.

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