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I added a playlist to this book so go and check it out if you haven't already :) also important note at the end.

Six Years Old ❣︎ October

The first grade so far has been Jughead's year, at least academics wise.

His teacher entered him into the first and  second grade Spelling Bees just two months into the school year, and Jughead managed to win both easily.

The kid just has a way with words.

Archie has just been struggling again, much to the annoyance of his own teacher who doesn't seem to do anything but deck him for his mistakes.

However, Archie won't let this bother his mood, he just knows he has to work harder.

The raven haired boy often tries to teach the redhead, but that never works out well. The duo end up laughing too hard to learn anything at all, and on the days where they are both actually serious, Archie just can't seem to learn from his best friend.

He has come to the conclusion that the darker hue is very smart, but he's no teacher.

This year, Jughead and Archie aren't in the same class again, but Betty is in Jughead's this time.

Jughead can admit that he's happy about this, not only because this means that Betty can't steal Archie from him this way, but because it means he won't be alone like last year.

That was awful.

However, Betty is just happy to be in a class with Jughead, period, because she has developed a slight crush on the darker hue over that latter months of the summer.

The blonde is constantly all over Jughead, all the time. whether it's linking her arm through his, or running her small fingers through his wavy hair, the giggly lemon hue can't seem to get enough of him, much to his obvious annoyance.

Jughead isn't stupid, and he knows about her little crush on him, but he just doesn't know how to make it go away.

Archie finds it hilariously amusing though, and is quick to make a lot of "there's your girlfriend" jokes.

The duo always has to find ways to push Betty out of this little trio she seemingly forces her way into, because now the scarlet hue is jealous, much to the darker hue's amusement and satisfaction.

The persistent blonde practically forced her way into buying the same costumes as our famous duo for Halloween, causing them to have to change their costumes twice so she wouldn't catch on.

At first the duo's parents wanted the two to do something corny.

Jughead was assigned jelly while Archie was assigned peanut butter. Betty came in the next day with a costume that was two slices of bread. Luckily for Archie and Jughead, it allowed them to change the cringe worthy costume.

Next, Archie picked out a pikachu costume, allowing Jughead to pick up a costume that made him look like Ash.

Of course the next day Betty comes hobbling into their backyard with her pokeball costume on.

This time though, the two were very discreet about their third costume choices, and it was finally the day to pull them out.


"Juggy! Can you zip me up?" Archie blushed as he asked the darker hue for help, embarrassed that he couldn't pull the zipper up himself.

The raven haired boy happily jumped off of the scarlet hue's bed and zipped Archie up quickly with a satisfying pop.

"I'm so excited, we're going to pull in so much candy I know it!" Jughead shouts eagerly before running towards Archie's mirror and staring at his Batman costume with a big grin on his face.

"Aren't you going to feel bad for Betty?" Archie mumbles before joining Jughead at his mirror, unable to suppress the huge grin that spreads across his face.

He loves his Robin costume.

He especially loves being Jughead's partner in... well... Justice.

"No." he shrugs carelessly before putting his arm on his red haired side kick's shoulder.

"She should've asked us if she wanted to match with us, nobody invited her." He explains with a pout.

Just because Jughead didn't dislike the blonde anymore, it didn't mean that he was just going to willingly let her waltz in and turn this duo into a trio without consent.

Archie can't help but to smile at his reasoning, honestly not feeling very bad for her, just feeling bad because he feels like they're doing a bad thing.

Maybe they could've at least talked to her and told her they didn't want her to be in the trio.

Sure enough though, Archie's guilt turns into annoyance when the door bell rings downstairs, only to reveal the very blonde herself dressed in a Harley Quinn costume.

"Oh Batman! You've finally convinced me to leave the Joker!" Betty dramatizes before running into the five year old Batman's arms.

Archie's annoyance immediately turns into amusement as he snickers at that, causing Jughead to shoot him daggers with his eyes.

However, Jughead can't seem to stay annoyed at Betty for long either, and his annoyance turns into amusement as well.

Betty's attitude is always just that infectious.


Next chapter is going to be hell for you guys.

Okay so quickly I just want to say thanks to all of you guys again for understanding the reason for my hiatus. During that time we reached 1k and at the moment we've just reached 2.1k Thanks so much 💖💖

*****But this is really important what I'm about to say.

I mentioned in the beginning of this book that there will be Bughead.

A lot of you guys have recently expressed how you don't like Bughead and I hope that doesn't stop you from reading this book.

However this is a coming of age story. And realistically, no one has one relationship in their life time. Okay?

Obviously Bughead isn't going to last long or be endgame. I'm telling you that they probably won't even be around for

More than two chapters.

So if you despise Bughead that much that you can't get through it at all, knowing that they won't last? Then goodbye. Good riddance.

See ya.

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