F I F T Y - N I N E

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Eighteen Years Old ❣︎ June

"Really?" The raven haired beauty sighs as his energetic boyfriend pouts.

"Why don't you want to go? Prom is a milestone in many people's lives."

"Yeah, for the people who peaked in high school and whose live's continued to go downhill from there."

"You don't want to go to prom with me?" The redhead asked sadly.

"It's not you that's the problem. I just think it's kind of stupid."

"But I really want to go with you. We can dress up and you'll look hot as hell and I can shower you in compliments-"

"You already do that."

"And we can even rent a limo and we can go somewhere fancy to eat and dance terribly to cheesy pop music and take pictures with all the other shitty seniors."

"The food part sounds pretty interesting." Jughead debates.

"Please Juggy? I really want to go." Archie pleads, putting on his best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but only because of the food."

"Nah, it's because you love me."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Thank you so much you're the best boyfriend ever and the most amazing person in the world." Archie smiles before pecking him quickly on the cheek and running out of his room.

"Where you going?"

"To pick out prom stuff!" He giggles before the front door is heard opening and closing again.


"I can't believe you're dragging me to school today." The redhead mumbles as the raven haired beauty looks around the block curiously, almost looking as if he's mesmerizing every detail about his surroundings.

"NYU can evoke my scholarship and my admission at anytime, so I'm not trying to give them a reason to by going to ditch day." He shrugs before going back to glancing around.

"You're such a goody two shoes." Archie sighs before kicking a rock on the sidewalk.

"Look, I told you that you could go ditch don't let me stop you from having fun."

"It wouldn't be much fun without you." He huffs.

"We're one of those couples aren't we."

"If you're referring to the couples who are attached to each other at the hip and can't do anything without the other I'd say yes, we are in fact one of those couples." Archie laughs.

"I guess that's what happens when you date your literal best friend."

"I'm not sure how I'm going to get through college without you."

"We'll Skype or call everyday, it'll be fine. There's no doubt in my mind that we'll make it through it."

"It's still not the same."

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