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Five Years Old ❣︎ October

Kindergarten was a challenge for the duo of best friends, but in completely different ways.

Jughead knew that his best friend had a certain aura.

Archie was radiant.

His smile, filled with absolute innocence and heart, is what drew in most of their classmates. Everyone wanted a piece of his glow, and Archie was generous enough to share it. He had no problem making friends, and despite his stuttering habit, Archie had no problems sharing stories either. his voice could be heard from a mile away, laced with vanilla and gold.

However, Archie did have a learning deficiency it seemed. There's not much of a curriculum for a kindergarten class, yet Archie seemed to be struggling with the simplest things.

His spelling was so botched, and his pronunciation was so broken, that if Archie hadn't already heard or seen the word, he'd never pick it up.

His teacher tried to push the idea onto his parents that he needed more work, but his parents wouldn't have it. Like always, his parents responded by saying he'll get better as he gets older.

Archie's dad is getting a little tired of hearing his wife utter that same excuse.

On the other hand, Jughead was experiencing the exact opposite of Archie's problems.

It turns out that the scarlet hue's stutter hadn't really made for much bullying, but the darker hue's name did.

Day to day, insults strung together with disgust and utter amusement, flew at the boy.

What would you expect? his name hadn't really left room for immediate acceptance.

At first, the darker hue couldn't help but to be upset with the constant name calling and humiliation. After a while though, Jughead learned to deal with it.

Where Archie lacked, Jughead only made up for in academics. He was the best speller in all the classes, and he was even offered the option to skip ahead right to second grade.

Jughead didn't take it though, he couldn't leave Archie behind.

"W-wait Juggy! We have to wait for Betty!" Archie pointed out happily, swinging his Batman themed lunchbox around as they walked.

The clinking of the metal box sounded throughout the sparse hallway, accompanied by the darker hue's sigh of annoyance.

Jughead couldn't help but to feel jealous of Betty. Archie was his best friend, not stupid Betty's.

Betty and Archie have seemingly been inseparable lately, despite having separate classes, and it irked the raven haired boy to no end.

Archie and Jughead could never just hang out by themselves anymore, Betty always had to be invited.

It's not that that anything was particularly wrong with Betty Cooper though, Jughead actually believes that under different circumstances, when Betty is not trying to steal Archie, him and her would be friends.

Betty was one of those people who had an aura too, Jughead composed. Betty was bubbly and charismatic, she was always dressed to the nines, even at a young age, and she welcomed anyone and everyone to be her friend.

She even welcomed Jughead, despite the cold shoulder he'd throw her.

"Hey Archie! Hey Jughead!" Betty's voice came into range.

Immediately, the scarlet hue ran up to Betty and engulfed her in a huge hug, making the darker hue frown.

"Hey Betty." Jughead almost whispered, but she wasn't listening, for the scarlet and lemon hues were already engrossed in their own world.


Poor Jug, I'll be your best friend :)

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