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Seventeen Years Old ❣︎ November

"Why don't you think you're beautiful, Juggy?" Archie questions in a concerned matter towards his tired boyfriend who is leaning his head against his chest.

"Can we not do this right now?" The raven haired beauty yawns before cuddling into him more on the couch and focusing his eyes on the television in front of them.

"You always say that." The redhead chuckles softly before grabbing the remote and pausing the tv.

"I never said I didn't think I was beautiful." Jughead whispers pathetically.

"But it's obvious that you don't think you are. I just wish you'd see yourself the way I see you."

"And what way is that?"

"Beyond gorgeous and breathtaking."

"That's a bit of a stretch." He chuckles.

"It's not. C'mon let me show you something." Archie smiles before getting up and holding out his hand, which Jughead takes hesitantly. He leads him up the stairs and into his room, stopping right in front of the mirror.

"This is what you wanted to show me?" Jughead rolls his eyes.

"Okay I want you to say three good things about yourself."

"Arch, that's corny I'm not doing that."



"Fine. I'll do it for you. One would be your eyes, they're so pretty. They're a mixture of so many pigments and hues and I don't think I could name the color of them if I tried." Archie starts as Jughead stares at his eyes through the mirror and smiles slightly before looking at Archie's reflection.

"Two would be your hair. I honestly love it so much. Especially when it's wet and you run your fingers through it, that's really hot to be honest. And I love how you style it everyday and I love your hat and I love how much it fits you."

"Arch-" Jughead begins in a flustered manner, never being able to take compliments well because nobody has ever really complimented him before.

"Three would have to be hmmm there's so many good things it's hard to pick one more. I'm gonna say your heart, even though it's not a physical trait. Your heart is so big and pure and strong and amazing! I love that you gave it to me, I love that you're allowing me to love you because I know that you're scared. I love that you're opening up more and that you're trying and that you care. I love you so much." He giggles before pulling him into a hug. "And if I have to drag you to this mirror and tell you three more amazing things about yourself everyday until you believe it, I'll do just that."

This is the love Jughead has only seen in the many books he's read and the many movies he's seen. It's not that he thought love didn't exist, he just didn't think he was good enough to be loved. Then Archie comes barreling through the walls around his heart that he's spent years rebuilding like some sort of cannon, and Jughead never expected to receive the type of love he's only been known to give.

He doesn't like to be sappy, he's not very good at being romantic, and he never thought he'd actually fall in love after the last few years of pain and heartbreak he's been through with his own family, but he'd do absolutely anything for Archie. He'll let Archie spoil him and smother him even if it's not the role he's used to playing, and he'll call him baby and cuddle with him because he's not as good as him when it comes to displaying how much he cares. But Archie understands how much Jughead cares because he knows him inside and out, and Jughead cant believe how perfect it is.

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