N I N E T Y - N I N E

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Twenty Six Years Old ❣︎ December

"You're so awesome." Reina gushes as Jelly Bean continues to do Liliana's make up, painting her face with hues of purples and golds.

"Not as awesome as you." She smiles brightly, nudging her a bit before going back to work on beating Liliana's face.

"What about me? Am I not awesome?" Liliana pouts.

"You're amazing! You're my favorite godparent." Reina admits.

"See, I knew there was a reason why I loved this child."

"Don't tell dad though, he's routing for Jackson to be my favorite."

"And that's why I'm going to beat your dad's ass." She huffs as Archie walks by.

"Language." He sighs before continuing his journey to the kitchen.

"Make that both of their asses."

"I'm just excited that we're all spending Christmas together! We're like one humongous, gigantic, family!" Reina says happily as she starts to jump up and down. "Christmas wasn't so fun at the orphanage. We got presents and everything, but it never felt like how this feels." She explains further as her dad starts to make his way to her with two cups in his hand.

"And how does it feel?" Jughead asks before kissing her forehead and handing her one of the cups in his hand.

"Warm, warmth I've never felt before." She sighs wistfully.

"Somehow, I know exactly what you mean." Jughead smiles to himself, remembering thinking the same thing about Archie when he was about her age.

"Your kid is so cute, it makes me want to have a kid." Liliana laughs, causing an excited grin to spread across Aaron's face who is talking to Jackson and Betty by the kitchen.

"You want a kid?" He yells hopefully.

"That was a joke Aaron, keep it in your pants." Liliana yells back.

"Dad, what does she mean by that?" Reina furrows her eyebrows. Jughead sends a scowl towards Liliana and looks to Archie for help who happens to pass at just the wrong moment.

"Daddy, what did she mean?" She pouts.

"You know how when you're excited and you can feel it shoot up your spine?" Archie begins nervously.

"Uhuh, that happens to me all time." She laughs.

"Well, it starts at your toes right?"


"And travels upwards, so what Liliana means is that Aaron should keep his excitement in his pants before it gets to his chest and bubbles out of his mouth?" He squints his eyes, ending it in such an unbelievable way but hoping she falls for it anyways. Everyone around them holds their breath as they watch Reina contemplate the explanation for a minute.

"Ohhhh okay that makes sense." She finally says as they all sigh in relief. Jughead silently thanks Archie before lifting his drink to his lips.

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