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Eighteen Years Old ❣︎ February

"Cmon live a little! Have you even been to one party since you've been here?" Jackson pouts as Jughead continues dragging his pen across his notebook, quickly spitting out his ideas so he doesn't forget them.

"No, do I look like someone who goes to parties?"

"Fair point, but you have to go because I'm taking you with me no matter what." He smirks before grabbing Jughead's free hand and pulling him out of the chair he's sitting on.

"Hey!" He chuckles as the blonde drags him to his closet and begins picking out clothes for him.

"Black skinny jeans, white muscle tee, tie the black and red flannel around your waist, and you can borrow my adidas."

"Are we even the same size?"


"How do you know?"

"I uh, borrowed some of your clothes and shoes once."

Jughead just rolls his eyes before quickly stripping and putting the outfit on as his roommate runs around the room frantically searching for his phone like he always does.

"Alright I'm ready." Jughead sighs before looking in the mirror at himself.

He actually thinks he looks great.

Amazing actually.

He never really wears sleeveless shirts because he's always been self conscious of his arms, but going to the gym with Jackson lately paid off. He likes the shoes, despite preferring his perfectly beat up converse, but he especially likes his stupid hat.

The stupid hat that makes him, him.

"No homo, but you look really good." His roommate smiles before sighing in relief when seeing his phone under his pillow.

"All the homo bro." Jughead mocks sarcastically, making his roommate furrow his eyes in confusion.

"I never get when you're being sarcastic. Is this one of those times?"

"Just forget it." Jughead laughs before retrieving his keys and his phone from his desk where he always keeps them.

"Ready to have the best night of your life?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Jughead snorts.

"That was sarcasm that time! Right?"


"Wait, is that a yes or a no?"


And with that the two leave their small but cozy dorm, and make their way to the frat party off campus.


"Okay, so you actually do know how to have fun?" Jackson smiles as Jughead is dancing next to him to the trashy music he'd never ever listen to in a million years.

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