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The next morning,

I woke up at the big lonely bed.

I looked around and remembered that Mina is been kidnapped.

I don't feel like going out of bed.

I just want to curl up inside the blanket the whole day but I remember that there is lesson today.

I sit up and stood up lazily.

My eyes is red and puffy.

I remembered that I cried myself to sleep last night.

I quickly wash up and drive to college.

As soon as I reach the college, there is many people looking at my car.

After that, I saw Somi walking towards me, smilingly.

I still suspected her for taking Mina away so I ignored her.

"Where is your girlfriend?" Somi asked me.

I feel like slapping her when she ask me this.

But I have to control.

"She is missing." I said while looking down, sadly on the floor.

"Why? Did someone kidnapped her?" She asked more.

I ignored her and walk away.


It is lesson time now.

But I have no mood to listen to teacher.

During all of the lessons, I am just staring at the space.

I can't focus!!!

*time skip to after college*

"Hey, lion cub. Are you okay? You seems unfocused during lessons. Is there something wrong?" Jeongyeon asked me.

"No... I am just feeling lonely and empty without her. I hope that I can find her as soon as possible." I said while walking slowly to my car.

"I believe you can find her very soon. But wait, who do you suspect that might be the one that kidnap Mina?"

"I don't know. I think that it might be..." I looked around and make sure there is nobody.

"Somi..." I continued.

"What?!" Jeongyeon exclaimed.

"Hey! Lower down your volume! I don't want anyone to hear this and tell her." I whispered to Jeongyeon.

"Okok, but are you sure? Why do you even suspect a girl that has nothing to do with you?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Of course she have something to do with me. She is the one that cause me and Mina to quarrel for first time. At the day when she accepted me. She gave a peck on my lips and Mina saw it. You know, outside the restaurant. Second, I introduced to her that Mina is my girlfriend but she is unhappy. I have already rejected her affection towards me but she refuse to accept the truth. So, she go around and spread rumours about Mina. And cause me and Mina to have second quarrel because I am still unsure of her real personaility as we only each other for days. That is why I think that she might be the one that kidnap Mina. And when we went in to the movie threatre, I can feel that someone is following us. And I think that person is Somi. Now you understand?"

"Ohhh.... yes, of course I understand. So what is your next action?" Jeongyeon asked while putting her arms at my shoulders.

"Should I stalk her to know where Mina is?" I asked while looking at Jeongyeon.

Michaeng: When I met you {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now