A Boy And His Pet Bird

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A little boy with a speech impediment got himself a pet bird for Christmas. One day, he went to the pet store to buy it some food.

He walked in and asked the man working in the store, "excuse me, mister, but do you sell any boyd seed?"

The man said "we do, but I'm sorry I can't sell any to you until you learn how to say "bird" correctly."

The little boy, frustrated, went home. He came back into the store the next day.

"Excuse me mister, but do you sell any boyd seed?"

Again, the man told the boy to learn how to say bird correctly before he would sell him any.

The little boy practiced and practiced and a couple days later, went back to the store.

He greeted the man and asked, "excuse me mister, would you like to buy a dead bird?"

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