Quasimodo Wanted To Go On A Date With Esmeralda

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So he put an ad in the paper to find somebody to ring the bell. A man responded to the ad. He was a man without arms, so Quasimodo politely asked how he would ring the bells. The man said "let me show you", so they went up to the bell tower to give it a try.

The man got a running start, jumped up, wrapped his legs around the bell and smashed it with his face.

It was the most beautiful the bell had ever sounded, so Quasimodo asked him for another go! Unfortunately, the second time, the man knocked himself out and fell down the tower.

When the police came, they said "Quasimodo do you know this man?"

He said "I don't know him but his face rings a bell"!

So, Quasimodo still really wanted to go on this date with Esmeralda so he put another ad in the paper. Not long afterward, the doorbell rang. To Quasimodo's surprise, the man looked exactly like the last! It turns out, the two men were twins, and he rang the bell just the same way that the first one did.

Quasimodo needed to have a test ring so up the tower they went. This man knocked himself out on the first try, fell down the bell tower, and died.

When the police came and asked Quasimodo if he knew the man, he replied "don't know him, but he's a dead ringer for his brother".

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