Spring Break

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A college student is going to Europe for spring break he asks his grandfather for some advice, which he happily provides.

"Kid, you gotta go over there and really get rowdy. Fuck any girl you meet, beat the shit out of anyone that gives you the side eye, get your buddies and really tear the town up. You're only young once, and those bastards don't know good fun. When I was there, it was a free for all, haha."

The kid's eyes get wide and his smile splits his face, and he's out the door. A few weeks later, he returns, beaten, missing some teeth, and with no wallet and no luggage. His grandfather regards him incredulously.

"Grandpa, we did just what you said; we kissed and tried to fuck any woman we saw, we picked fights with every guy we didn't like, took whatever we wanted, and we ended up getting the shit kicked out of us over and over! Your advice was horrible!"

"Well kid, who did you go with?" the grandpa asks.

"Just some friends from college! Why, who did you go to Europe with?" the grandson replies.

"Oooh, there's your problem; I went with the Third Reich."

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