"P'Pha... Ming and Forth have been my best friends for the last three years. To be honest they've been my only friends my entire life. I was alone until they came along. Now that they've found their mates... well I'm not sure what will happen, but I know everything will be different. It might be selfish of me to be thinking about this right now, but I don't want to be alone again."

"You're not going to be alone, I promise. Ok?" At his nod, I go on, "Also, there's no reason for your friends to leave you. Finding their mates doesn't mean they leave the rest of their lives behind. Trust me, your friends will be back here as soon as they can get the Mating Pull under control." If Yo needs them that badly, then they will come on their own or I will drag them there. Either way works for me.

I continue, "Now, there's nothing you can do about Forth and Ming right now and worrying about it is not going to help. So just relax and let's see what happens. Besides, they've only found their mates, they haven't claimed them. So, who knows what will happen."

"What do you mean?" He asks me curiously.

"Well, Beam will probably reject your friend Forth, so that means..." I trail off at the shocked look on his face.

"B-beam is going to r-reject Forth? B-but how could he do that?"

Uh oh, so much for calming him. "Well, I don't know for sure." I scratch the back of my head. That might not have been the right thing to say just now.

"W-what about Kit and Ming?" He asks getting upset again.

"Uh, I'm not sure..."

"Make a guess." He says firmly.

"Well, Kit is a romantic, so Ming probably has a shot. I can see how Kit would like the idea of a deity creating someone just for him. So maybe, but that's just a guess." He looks a little relieved by that information.

Let's change the subject. "I brought breakfast. Why don't we eat something, ok?"


We eat breakfast, then I send him to take a shower while I run back to my room to shower too. It doesn't take me long, but when I get back Ming and Forth are already there with Yo. Well, I assume Yo is with them I can't really see him sandwiched between their hugs. Damn clingy wolves.

Well at least it didn't take them long to show. I guess I should be thankful I didn't have to drag them here. Hopefully, this will reassure Yo that they aren't going to just suddenly stop being around.

I clear my throat, but no one moves. I cough, and Ming turns his head to look at me, but still doesn't move.

Okay, fine. I walk towards them, "Well if you both need a hug, I guess I can join in, and give hugs too." They both separate, jumping apart, leaving a slightly smooshed Yo standing by himself. I quickly snatch him into my arms, trying to replace their dog stench with my own scent.

"P'Pha, I'm not the one who needs a hug."

"I beg to differ. You definitely need a hug."


OMG! That whine was so adorable. What am I going to do with this cute kid? I give his cheeks a pinch.



"Could you two stop acting so damn cute? We have real problems here. We need help."

Pha and Yo both look over at me, "Help with what?" Pha asks.

Forth speaks up, "Claiming our mates."

"Aahhh, well, to be honest..." Pha hesitates.

"Yeah? Continue." I tell him.

Yo pipes up with a smile, "Ai'Ming, P'Pha said you have a chance with Kit because he is a romantic. He said Kit would probably like the whole 'made for me' thing, so if you handle this right you might be able to claim him."

"What about me, Shorty?" Yo turns to look at Forth and the smile slides from his face. He glances at Pha then back at Forth. So, not good news, I guess.

Pha looks at Forth, "Do you want the truth?"

Forth's swallow is audible, but he looks determined, "Yes."

"Beam is going to be tough. He's a hot-head too. I would be prepared for the worst, if I were you." Pha gives him a pitying look.

"P'Phaaa, can't you help him? Please?" Yo begs for Forth.

"Help him how? There's not really anything I can do."

I jump in, "You could at least talk to your friend, right. Maybe try to convince him. Say nice things about Forth. Shit, I don't know. Just lie!"

"Why should I?"

"Overwhelming generosity?" He laughs a little. "Sheer kindness?" He shakes his head no. Aahh, I got it!

I walk to Pha and whisper in his ear, so Yo doesn't hear, "If you don't help him, he will constantly be hanging around Yo for the rest of his life."

"Fine, I'll do it." 


11.27.2017   10:41 am  US CST

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