As soon as I answered my ears picked up the crying in the background.

The cry was deep but not male. Lavender.

"Gwendolyn?!" My mom was crying too.

"Mom. What's wrong? What happened?" I asked frantically.

"Your sister." She sobbed into the phone. "Her boyfriend."

"Mom calm down and tell me what happened." I tried to stay calm for her sake.

"He raped her." She cried. "Your father and I went out and she had him over for her science project."

Justin Sanders. I already knew who he was considering he's my sister's boyfriend and I also knew from the very beginning that he wasn't shit.

Just another playboy and Lavender thought she could change him.

What made the situation ten times worse was the fact that Lavender had been a virgin. Saving herself for that special someone.

But what balanced it out is that he's a Senior. So it wouldn't be illegal for me to kick his ass.

"I'm on my way." I said and hung up the phone.

I turned to Xavier. "Turn the car around."

He glanced at me once and wordlessly took a U-turn. "So where to?"

"My parent's house." I said and gave him the directions.

He followed them and even though my parents lived 45 minutes away from me we made it in record time.

I jumped out of the car and ran for the front door, slamming the car door behind me.

Mom opened the door before I got to it and I ran straight in.

Lavender was in her room, on her bed, curled up into a ball, sobbing uncontrolably.

I sat on the bed next to her and wrapped her in my arms.

Her hair was a mess and she was wearing one of my dad's button-up shirts.

The blankets were thrown into a nearby corner and the sheets were stained with blood.

Her tears pierced through my shirt and she still kept crying.

It had to be an hour before she calmed down enough to look at me.

Her eyes were red and her face was tear-stained.

Rape. It was illegal. Even for a minor.

How dare he?

'Which way did he go' I signed to Lavender.

She wiped her face. 'It hurts'

'I know, which way did he go?' I asked her again.

She pointed to the open window beside her bed.

"Lavender?" Everett came running into the room.

He took her out of my arms and a wave of fresh tears doused him.

Everett looked pissed and caring at the same time.

"I'm going to their house." I stood up.

"Don't do that." Everett said. "They can sue you for coming on their on their property."

"I could sue their son for coming in my sister." I shot back.

"Fine." Everett said. "Try not to be too harsh."

"Fuck that." I said and left the room.

I marched past my mom and straight out of the house.

My dad was talking to Xavier as I walked around the car and got in the passenger side.

"Where are we going now?" Xavier asked and started the car.


So I just realized that I haven't been doing these questions every update so I'm doing something new.

I'm going to say one word. Just one word and you have to comment the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the word.

Ex: School.

My answer: Hell.

So here is the word for this update.


A:Yasss bitch yasss!


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