44 The Exclusive Interview (Present)

Start from the beginning

"Sure." Yuna squinted over.

"You wrote the song 'Sakura Sayonara' for a girl, right?" He was silent for a moment, just looking at her. Immediately she became nervous. "Wait, that was stupid. I'll ask something else."

"No. It's alright." He stroked his hair. "I didn't write it myself. That was Sakura."

Hikari typed. "Who is she?"

"She was my girlfriend."

The black-haired girl looked up. "Was? You broke up?"

"That may not be a good topic, Hikari," Yuna interjected.

"No. It's fine, Yuna-chan. Actually, I thought that this story was known among the fans." He looked at his interview partner. "She died in a car accident."

The hostess' eyes widened in shock. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry, Wataru-san."

He wondered, "You didn't know that?" She shook her head hastily. "Well, I don't exactly walk around and tell everybody."

"I'm very sorry about that."

"She was our drummer when we were still a school band," he continued. "Kaito, Mizuki, Sakura and I were members of the Rock Music Club at High School West."

"I've heard that you made music at the school. How did that happen?"

He rubbed his chin. "Kaito wanted me to join him in the Rock Music Club because there were two girls he liked. Since I was constantly playing rhythm games in my free time, I thought I might like that."


"Holding a real guitar in my hands was something completely different. At the beginning, we just fooled around. Sakura was the only one who could play properly. She had also been teaching Mizuki."

Curious, the blue-haired girl put down her pen and listened to the others. "So Sakura taught you to play the guitar?" she heard Hikari ask.

"Not immediately. Well ... both girls were somehow into me. There were a few unsavory jealousy scenes and finally I didn't feel like Rock Music Club anymore. I wanted to play my rhythm games again and enjoy my life."

"Really?" breathed Hikari.


"What happened next?"

Thoughtfully, he drank his lemonade. "One day, Sakura was at my door. She played me a song that was supposed to be her confession of love. She told me she wanted to be with me and make music." Yuna remembered Wataru standing at her door and making music. A smile slipped on her lips.

The hostess dabbed her eyes. "How romantic."

He chuckled. "Yes. She knew a lot of bands and one day she played 'Right Here In My Arms'. I realized that it was the same song she had played for me, just slightly changed. I asked her to teach me the song. As we practiced together, we slowly came closer and eventually I fell in love with her as well. From then on, we were a couple." He looked at Hikari, who was staring at him tied up. "Don't you want to take some notes?"

"What? ... Oh yes ..." Blushing, she quickly typed on her keyboard.

"We met again in the Rock Music Club and decided that we all wanted to play as beginners. That's why Sakura took over the drums, as her brother Nobu also played drums, and therefore she was able to practice at home on his kit."

"Then your drummer Nobu is the brother of Sakura?" the black-haired assured herself.

"Yes. He was in the same year with me and Kaito, just in a different class."

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