Deduction Buddy (Part 1)-Sherlock

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"Do you really have to go?"  He asked for the thousandth time.

"You know I don't have a choice."  You told him.

"But-" He started but stopped.

"Will..." You couldn't get any farther than one word either.

William took your hand in his and placed it on his chest. He looked at you with sad eyes.  He was trying to use his puppy dog eyes to get you to choose to stay. And if the decision was up to you, you would agree to stay.  But you were only fourteen!  You didn't get a say in the move.

"I'm sorry."  You whispered.

You slipped your hand out of his and started to walk away. William grabbed your wrist and pulled you right back, hugging you tightly.

"Please don't leave me." He begged. 

"I don't want to."  You sobbed.

The two of you stayed like that for few minutes until someone cleared their throat. You both looked and there was Mycroft. You smiled at him.

"You really are leaving."  He stated.

You nodded, "I'll miss you Myc."  You said.

He scoffed at the nickname but then smiled, "I'll miss you, y/n dear."  He said, opening his arms for a hug. 

You walked over and gave him the hug. After that you turned back to Will.

"Don't forget us."  He whispered.

You nodded, "There is no way in the world that I would ever forget you, William Sherlock Scott Holmes."  You said.

You saw the very hint of a smile on his face when you said his full name. You took a deep breath and looked down. You were trying to calm your tears down and then looked into his eyes.

"Bye...deduction buddy."


221B Baker Street. The very address of the consulting detective that could solve anything with a single look.  You scoffed. Thought he'd be better than that.  Oh well.
You stood outside the door waiting for someone to answer. Eventually the door opened and an elderly woman stood there. 'Used to be an exotic dancer.'  You deduced.

"You here for Sherlock?"  She asked.


You nodded, "Yes." 

"Go right upstairs. He'll be back soon."  She told you.

You smiled and followed her simple directions. The door to the flat was already open. 'Well that's safe.'  You thought sarcastically. You sighed and walked right inside. The place was an absolute mess. Jut from the flat, you were already making deductions about your old friend. After a while of wandering around his living room, you plopped down in a black chair. You waited a few more minutes before finally, he arrived. A tall, curly haired figure appeared in the doorway and stopped, staring at you. You smiled at him.

"Hello, William." You said.

"Will...iam..." He whispered.

You could practically see the gears in his head spinning as he tried to figure one thing out. You rolled your eyes. Must have deleted a few things.

"Where's your flatmate?" You asked, glancing behind him.

"He's, uh...talking to Mrs. Hudson." He said.

You nodded, started to walk around the living room again. You stopped by the coffee table and finally you chuckled slightly.

"It's good to see you again, deduction buddy."

You saw the lightbulb go off in his head as he gasped. He stared at you, shocked that he was looking at his best friend from childhood.

"Y/n!" He exclaimed.

You laughed and you both wrapped your arms around each other.

"I missed you." You told him.

You heard him chuckle, "You have no idea."

You pulled away and looked him up and down. You then started circling him making him confused. You then reached into his pocket and pulled out a box of cigarettes.

"Do you really need these?" You asked.

"Give those back!" He ordered, reaching for them.

You held them up and away from him. "What about your nicotine patches?" You questioned.

"Whatever." He mumbled.

"Stopped your drugs though?" You then asked.

"Have you?" He responded.

You looked at him, "Maybe I will now." You told him, tossing the box to him. "You've been at the morgue recently." You then stated.

"Yes. There's always something fun there." He said, slightly sarcastically.

You smirked, "I'm sure there is."

The two of you locked eyes and stared at each other. You had a whole lot of information you'd deduced of him, bottled up in your head and you wanted to spill it. But you wanted to see what he had first.

"So...wanna play a game, deduction buddy?"

A/n: Alright! Here's another update. This will be turned into a two parter, maybe three parter. Please don't think I have forgotten about the previous imagine, I just haven't had much time to do stuff and I got this request so...yeah. Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying this. I will try to keep updating.
Also, one more quick thing. My friend and I created an account where we will publish all of our roleplays. The name is rollplaygirls   We haven't posted any stories yet but one will be coming soon.  I would really appreciate the follow on that account and some reads!  Thanks guys! 😁❤️

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