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You walked down the sidewalk alone. No one was usually out on the streets this late but you didn't mind. Taking walks always made you feel calm. The stars shone above you and you shoved your hands further into your jacket pockets. Usually there was nobody on the sidewalk and just the occasional passing of a car. But tonight was different.
As you walked you suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind you. Someone was running towards you. There was another noise though. Gunshots!  Before you could do anything else, a bullet hit your left leg and a body smashed into you. The person pulled your down and you were all of a sudden against a wall. You let out a small cry of pain and sat up against the wall. You looked at the person to your right.

"What in the world are you doing?"  You asked with anger in your voice.

"Shut up."  The man said quietly.

"Oh so since you told me to shut up I'll just-"

"Shh."  He interrupted.

"Why should I-"

"I said shut up!"  He said through gritted teeth.

You shut your mouth and stared ahead of you. It was just about pitch black so you couldn't see anything that well. You saw your purse lying a little ways ahead of you and started crawling towards it. You picked it up and pulled a handkerchief out and pressed it to your leg. The man turned around and you took an opportunity to ask questions. 

"So, what are you doing exactly?"  You asked.

"Hiding."  He answered plain and simple.

"Oh I see. So I am a hostage."  You said.

"What?!  No!"  He said.

"Then why did you pull me down back here with you?"  You asked.

"Because I was being shot at and you were the only person on the sidewalks. I didn't need anyone getting shot."  He explained.

"Well you failed at that."  You said pressing down harder on the wound.

"What do you mean?"  He asked.

"Did you not hear my cry of pain after you pulled me down?  They shot my leg."  You said.

"Oh.  I didn't hear you."  He said.

You stared back ahead of you and there was silence.  Then he broke it again.

"What was an idiot like you doing out here?"  He asked.

"I always take a walk. Every night. It calms me down."  You explained. "Wait a second, did you just call me an idiot?"  You asked angrily.

"Please don't take offense, I call everyone an idiot."  He said.

You sighed, "Alright."  Then you started to laugh a little.

"What?"  The man asked.

"Nothing. It's just, my best friend used to say the exact same thing to everyone. He thought he was so smart.  Well, I did too."  You said.

"Did something happen?"  The man asked.

You shook your head and looked down as tears started to form in your eyes. "He became a drug addict and left. I haven't seen him since then. I just hope that one day I'll find him again."  You said.

"Is that why you walk at night?"  He asked.

You looked at the figure to your side and then nodded, "I hope that maybe he will see me and recognize me and we'll go back to being best friends. I miss him a lot."  You said and rested your forehead on your knees.

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