Hardest Thing To Do (Part 2)-Sherlock

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Since you broke up with Sherlock you hadn't been the same. You felt empty.  Like there was a piece of you missing. Because there was. Sherlock completed you and made you happy. You walked by 221B everyday just to get that feeling that Sherlock was with you. It would make you feel better for a little bit but then it would eventually go away. It was always around the same time that you'd go by the flat and it soon turned into part of your daily routine.
However, one day ended up taking a different turn. You walked down Baker Street and paused at 222B. Right when you were about to continue on, someone grabbed you from behind. You would've screamed but the person covered your mouth. They dragged you down the nearest alleyway. The person uncovered your mouth and let go of you. You turned around to yell at the person but ended up freezing in your spot.


You really couldn't believe that you were standing in front of him again. He was there clear as day.

"Why did you pull me back here?" You asked.

"Because I needed to talk to you." He said.

"Well you could've done it a little smoother." You said. "What do you want to talk to me about?" You questioned.

"I know that you still love me." He said plain and simple.

You stared at him speechless.

"It's obvious to deduce. The way you reacted when you broke up with me. The fact that you come down Baker Street everyday just to get the feeling that we're still together. And you still wear the ring on your left hand ring finger." He said and stopped.

Your mouth was dropped open. Apparently it was fairly obvious you still loved him like crazy. But would he still love you after what you did?
You looked down at your hand and sighed.

"H-How did you know that I come to Baker Street everyday?" You asked.

"I can tell. I get the same feeling you do when you're passing by but it goes away." He said shrugging.

"No like seriously. How do you know?" You asked with a laugh.

You knew that wasn't true. You crossed your arms and awaited the answer.

"I watch you from my window as you pass by." He said as if he were guilty.

"Aww. Sherlock, that's so sweet." You said.

You both embraced each other in a tight hug. When you pulled away, Sherlock looked like he was thinking.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"If you do still love me, then why did you break up with me in the first place?" He asked.

You looked at your feet and shifted nervously.

"Y/n?" Sherlock looked at your face that was pink from embarrassment.

"I think we should talk about this inside." You suggested.

You followed the tall detective inside his flat. He sat in his chair and you at across from him in John's chair. You took a deep breath and began.

"The day that I broke up with you, before I had, there was a note for me. I read it and it scared me. There was one line, a time, and an initial." You explained. "The card said 'You know where to find me. 2pm. ~JM' I knew exactly who it was and wanted to forget that I'd even seen the note, but I knew if I didn't show up, who knows what he'd do to me.
"So at 2:00 I went to St. Bart's Hospital and up on the roof. He was waiting there on the ledge of the roof. He told me to break up with you, or he'd kill me. So I agreed." You said.

"But how do you know who Jim Moriarty is?" Sherlock asked.

You gulped nervously and looked Sherlock dead in the eye. "I worked for him." You said.

Sherlock tensed visibly and you could tell he wasn't happy about this. He stood up and walked over to the window.

"So, falling in love with me, did he put you up to that?" He asked.

You let a tear escape your eye before you answered. "Yes." You said quietly but still was able to be heard.

Sherlock, out of anger, took one of the wooden chairs and threw it to the ground and kicked it. Pounding footsteps grew louder and John walked in.

"Sherlock! What in the world are you doing?" He shouted.

Then his attention caught you, "Oh! Y/n you're here." He said to which you nodded.

Sherlock looked at you with a cold stare as he stood there panting.

"What happened here?" John asked.

"Sherlock and I were just talking." You answered.

"It seemed like a little bit more than talking."

"For goodness sake John, just get out!" Sherlock shouted.

John sighed in frustration and left the room.

"So this whole thing, you meeting me and us falling in love...it was all set up?" He asked.

You stood up from the seat, "It was at first but I actually did fall in love. I never thought I would get caught up in it all, but I did. And so did you." You said.

Sherlock remained silent, just staring at you from his spot. His eyes didn't leave yours and you kept yours on his.

"But it then made me realize that, I don't want love, I don't want a wedding, or a family..." You trailed off seeing the look in Sherlock's eyes. "I don't want any of it without you." You said.

Sherlock's whole face brightened up at that last part. You stepped closer to him.

"I don't want any of that, unless you are my love, you are the one I marry, or I have a family with you. Because you, Sherlock Holmes, are my first and only true love."

You closed the gap between you and him. Your lips touched his and you both kissed each other. You never wanted to leave him again. He was your everything. When you pulled away Sherlock was smiling big and brightly at you.

"And you, y/n y/l/n, are mine."

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