Laura Watson-John

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You screamed in pain as another contraction started. You took deep breaths and squeezed the hand that was holding yours. You shut your eyes tightly as the pain continued. This had been going on for hours and you just wanted to have the baby. After a while, it happened. You sighed and plopped your head back into the pillow when you heard the baby's soft crying. You smiled and looked at your husband. He was smiling and squeezing your hand.

"You did it."  He whispered.

"Yeah.  I did."  You breathed.

You were exhausted but you stayed awake so that you could hold your precious baby girl. You looked down at her as she grasped your finger. She looked at you with her small e/c eyes. You laughed a bit and John came over to look as well.

"You wanna hold her?"  You asked.

"Yeah, sure."  He said and lifted her into his arms. "What are we going to call her?"  He asked.

You thought for a moment before answering, "Laura. Laura Watson."  You said.

"Laura. I like it."  John said.

"You better."  You told him.

You both laughed as tears door opened. The consulting detective walked in and looked at the child in John's arm.

"Ah.  I see you had your baby girl."  He said.

"No, this isn't our baby."  You said sarcastically and rolled your eyes.

Sherlock gave you a look and then back at the baby.

"Do you want to hold her, Sherlock?"  You asked.

Sherlock stared at you, fear written all over his face. Confusion was on his face too. You looked at him eagerly.

"You want me to hold your child?"  He asked.

"Yes!"  You said smiling. 

"And she's also my child too."  John said.

"Whatever."  Sherlock said.

"Look, just put your arms like this..." you said showing Sherlock how to do it, "...and John will set Laura down in your arms.  There you go!"  You said.

Sherlock looked down at the small baby in his arms and a smile formed on his lips. You smiled at this as well. Sherlock liked this child. You could tell by the way he was now playing with her. Laura giggled and reached her hands up to Sherlock's face. Sherlock looked at you, unsure of what to do.  You just laughed,

"She likes you, Sherlock."  You said still smiling.

Sherlock smiled and looked back down at her, "And I like her too."  He said.

"Great!"  You said, "Now give me my baby."  You ordered.

Sherlock sighed and gently laid Laura Watson in your arms. He kissed her on the forehead and looked down at you.

"Congratulations y/n."  He said and kissed your forehead as well.

"Thank you Sherlock."  You said.

He smiled and left the room. John knelt down by your bedside, a goofy smile planted on his face. You had basically the same one on your face too.

"Maybe we could get him to babysit sometime."  John whispered.

"I don't know. Do you really want him to be teaching our girl about murders and stuff like that?  I mean, we both know what my brother is like."  You said.

"Whatever. She's going to learn about whether Sherlock babysits or not.  Some of it will run off on her."  John said.

You sighed, "I suppose. Plus, I'm sure if we told Uncle Sherlock that he can take her on some cases he may agree."  You said and smiled when you said "Uncle Sherlock." 

"Now that might be a little too far."  John said laughing.

"Whatever."  You said joining in the laughter.

John leaned down and kissed you on the lips and Laura just stared up at the two of you completely confused but enjoying sucking her thumb. When the two of you broke apart you looked down at Laura and her big e/c eyes were staring at you in awe. You smiled and kissed her forehead. Laura Watson was going to be a terrific child for you and John.

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