Only A Fairytale (Part 2)-Sherlock

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You got up early the next morning and got changed. You got yourself ready for the day and then exited your apartment. You locked the door and turned around bumping into someone. You gasped and looked at the familiar person.

"Good morning." You said to your brother.

"Good morning, love." He said. "Where are you off to so quickly?" He asked.

"I just have to get to the mechanic." You answered.

"And why's that?" He wondered.

"There are a couple of people here in town. Their car broke down and I intend to get it fixed as quickly as possible." You explained.

"So there are a couple visitors in town. What's the big deal?" Your brother shrugged.

"Nobody comes here, Killian. Besides, now that Mr. Gold has released magic to Storybrooke...word could get out." You said.

Killian nodded and you sighed, "I gotta go. The sooner these guests leave the safer we all can be. See you later." You said and kissed his cheek.

You hurried down the stairs and out into the morning air. You ran down the sidewalk to the mechanic's shop and began to speak with Hansel and Gretel's father.

~Sherlock's POV~

I had woken up early and was just sitting at the small desk we had in our room. I then heard voices. One was unfamiliar but the other sounded like y/n's. I slowly stood up and carefully pressed my ear on the door.

"So there are a couple visitors in town. What's the big deal?" A man's voice asked.

"Nobody comes here, Killian. Besides, now that Mr. Gold released magic to Storybrooke...word could get out." Y/n said. "I gotta go. The sooner these guests leave, the safer we all can be. See you later."

And after that the conversation ended. I turned around and got myself dressed for the day. I slipped my coat on and exited the room. I walked outside and felt a gust of wind hit me. I pulled my coat tighter and walked along the sidewalk. I looked around at the buildings and scanned the area for people. There was no one in sight. The conversation I'd heard between y/n and that man was playing across my mind.  I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that someone was running in my direction. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt something hit me and I looked down confused. There was a kid who had bumped into me. I extended my hand to him and he looked at me confused.

"Do you want help up or not?"  I asked impatiently.

The boy then took my hand and I helped him up. He stared at me with a confused expression.

"Are you visiting?"  The boy asked.

"Our car broke down.  We'll only be here until we can get it fixed."  I said.

I looked the boy up and down. He was so much easier to deduce than y/n was.

"My name's Henry."  He said holding his hand out for me to shake.

I smiled and took it, "Sherlock Holmes."  I said. "How's the book your reading coming along?"  I asked.

"How did you know I was reading a book?"  Henry questioned.

"It's obvious because of the prints on your fingers. What book is it?"  I asked.

"Uh..." Henry looked at me unsure. "It's about a bunch of fairytales."  He said.

"Fairytales?"  I asked.

"Yeah. But they're more than just fairytales. They're true!"  Henry said.

I gave Henry a confused look and he sighed. He motioned for me to follow him and I did. We sat down at a park table and he pulled the book out. 'Once Upon A Time...' was the title.

"All the characters in this book are real characters. But they are all here in Storybrooke."  Henry explained opening the book.

"So everyone in this town besides me and John are fairytale characters."  I stated although it seemed more like a question.

"Well, I'm not a character but my mom is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming."  Henry explained.

"So they're children's stories."  I concluded.

"But they're everything that's happened!"  Henry exclaimed.

I nodded in understanding and he slid the book to me.

"You can read it if you'd like."  He said.

I smiled, "Thank you." 

Henry got up and then ran off. I looked down at the book in front of me and stayed flipping through the pages.

A/n:  Yay!  Another part!  Quick question for all of my readers!

How many of you are in the OUAT fandom? 🙋🏻🙋🏻

If you are then enjoy these imagines!!  If you aren't...still enjoy them!

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