Trying To Help (Part 1)

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Everything happened so fast. The gunshot, the fear, and the end. The woman across from everyone had shot at Sherlock Holmes. You were in so much shock that it took you a minute before you realized that Mary was lying on the ground dying. John rushed in after it all happened and saw his wife on the ground with a bullet in her chest. You gasped and suddenly tears were running down your cheeks like a river.
Mary was your best friend from forever ago. Then she introduced you to John and soon Sherlock. You added them to your list of best friends. But now, your closest friend was taking her last breaths. Her head fell to the side and you knew she was dead. You cried even harder and felt two arms wrap around you. They were Sherlock's. You cried into his shoulder and he smoothed your hair. John was still sitting next to Mary and was groaning as he dealt with all these emotions. He looked up at Sherlock angrily.

"You! You made a vow!" He said through gritted teeth.

Sherlock looked hurt by what John said. You could tell by his face. Sherlock looked on the verge of tears and that made you feel even worse. From the stories you had heard you knew that Sherlock Holmes never cried or felt any human emotion.
John left the room and everyone else did too. They took Mary and the woman responsible. Soon, you and Sherlock were walking silently back together.

"Sherlock?" You said.

"Yes, y/n?" He responded.

"Are you gonna be okay?" You asked a hint of concern in your voice.

"I-I'm not sure." He said finally looking down at you.

"Alright. If you ever need anything just call me. I'll be over at the flat in no time." You said.

Sherlock smiled briefly at you and then looked straight ahead of him once again. The two of you went back to your homes to rest.
You sat in your living for a while not doing anything. Right now the loneliness and the darkness wasn't so bad. You were shaken from your thoughts as your phone vibrated. You picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" You called.

"Hello y/n." Sherlock said gloomily.

"Sherlock? Are you alright?" You asked.

"No. John doesn't want me to help at all with Rosie." He said.

"Hold on Sherlock. I'm coming over to 221B." You said.

You grabbed your coat and rushed out the door. Luckily you lived within walking distance of his flat. You walked right inside and up the steps. Sherlock was curled up on his couch like a child. You smiled a little and walked over to where his head was. You sat down and rested his head on your lap. He looked up at you and you could just now see how upset he was just by his eyes. They said it all.

"What happened?" You asked.

He sighed and turned so he was lying on his back and looking up at the ceiling. "I came to the door and Molly was there. She told me that John would rather have anyone but me help out." He said sadly.

"Oh Sherlock. I'm sorry. I'll talk to him, I promise." You said and kissed his forehead.

He relaxed a little and it made you smile. He sat up and scooted closer to you. What he did next confused you a little bit. He put his hand on the side of your head and pulled it till your head was rested on his shoulder. You smiled once you realized what he was doing. You grabbed his hand that was on your head and made him drape it over your shoulder.

"When are you gonna talk to John?" Sherlock asked breaking the peaceful quietness.

"I can go right now if you want me to." You suggested.

He took a deep breath and nodded. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and stood up. You grabbed your purse and threw on your coat. You caught a cab and told him the address. After a few minutes, you arrived. You knocked on the door and waited a minute. John opened the door and looked as gloomy as ever.

"Hi John." You said.

He didn't say anything, just moved out of he way for you to walk in. You came inside and the two of you walked to the living room.

"So, why are you here?" He asked.

"I came to talk John." You said.

"About what? There's really nothing left to talk about." He said.

"Yes there is, John. Sherlock told me that you didn't want him to help." You said.

John sighed and turned away when you mentioned Sherlock.

"He's your best friend. You can't shut him out." You said.

"No, he was my best friend." John said.

"Why are you being so hard on him?" You asked.

"Because he made a vow! He said he would protect us and look at where Mary is." John responded harshly.

"No one can keep everyone from dying John! You're a doctor, you know that you can't save everyone." You said. John remained silent. "You don't even know what happened. You weren't there to see it."

"Is there ANYTHING more to know?!" John shouted.

"There's always more to know!" You shouted back.

There was a short pause of silence as the two of you glared at each other.

"You can't shut everyone out for forever." You said breaking the silence.

"Okay. Alright, I don't have to listen to this. Get out." John said.

"Why?" You asked.

"For goodness sake, y/n! Get out of my bloody house!" John shouted at you.

You glared at him one last time, took a deep breath, and then stormed out of his house. Once you were outside, you let the tears stream down your face as you went back to 221B.

A/n: Thank you all for reading my imagines! I never thought that I would actually get 1k readers. You guys are all awesome!
Also, I am running out of ideas for these so please, PLEASE! I need ideas. Leave them in the comments, por favor?

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