Runaway (Part 2)-Sherlock

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You woke up at nine o'clock in the morning and immediately got ready. You walked out the door and hailed a cab. You told the cab driver the address and sat back. You looked out the window and watched everything pass by. The cab pulled up to 221B Baker Street and you climbed out. As you shut the door you caught a glimpse of the driver.
That black hair, the evil glint in his eyes. Your heart thumped harder than it ever had. The cab drove off leaving you panicking and afraid. You regained yourself...mostly, and knocked on the door to 222B. An older woman opened the door.

"You here for Sherlock Holmes?" She asked.

"Umm, yes." You said.

"Go right upstairs." She said.

You nodded a thank you to her and walked up the stairs. You opened the door and stepped inside. No one was there so you looked around nervously. You heard the door downstairs open and two voices. Footsteps came up the stairs and inside the flat. Sherlock saw you and immediately started studying you.

"Please, sit." His friend said.

You smiled at him and sat down in a chair. You twirled with your fingers as Sherlock and his friend sat down.

"What's made you so afraid, Miss y/n?" Sherlock asked.

You stared at him wide eyed. Your heart raced just as you thought of your cab driver. "He's found me. He's going to get me and take me back, Sherlock." You explained.

"How do you know this?" Sherlock asked.

"He drove me here. He was disguised as the cab driver." You cried.

Sherlock remained silent not knowing what to do.

"He kept me captive for two years. He thought I had some top secret information. Since I didn't know what he was talking about and he asked me these questions about them, I couldn't answer because I didn't know. So he kept me, just in case one day I might decide to spill it all. Sometimes he'd try to beat it out of me or would see if anything he could do to me would get me to talk but...I 'never cooperated'."  You explained. "He had me taken out not long ago so that he could try again but I ran. I made it out of the building but the police were there and had seen me with him so they just assumed I was working with him. All of my wounds from the previous times were gone so I couldn't prove that to them.  So they took me. Now I'm here and Moriarty might just take me at any minute."  You said.

"He won't. We'll make sure of that."  Sherlock said.

You smiled and wiped away a few tears that had fallen.  "Thank you."  You choked out.

You took deep shaky breaths trying to calm yourself down. Maybe it was just your imagination. You hoped that was all it was.

"So, what sort of thing would he do to you?"  Sherlock asked.

You swallowed the big lump in your throat and looked at your hands. "He would just beat me and threaten me with words. There was one time he cut me.  But nothing worse than that."  You said like it was nothing.

"Where did he cut you?"  Sherlock's friend asked.

You lifted your shirt a little on the left side revealing a very evident scar. You quickly dropped your shirt back down and shut your eyes remembering the memory and the pain that came with it.

"I can't go back there. If he gets me again after I ran, who knows what he'll do to me."  You said.

"It'll be fine."  Sherlock said.

You smiled slightly but it didn't stay long. "All you need is some rest while we work on this case."  Sherlock said.

You nodded and started to head towards the door. "Where are you going?"  He asked.

"You said to get some rest."  You said.

"But how can I make sure that Moriarty doesn't get you if I don't know where you are?"  He asked.

You smiled and stepped away from the door, " want me to stay here?"  You asked.

"Of course. You can rest in my room."  Sherlock said.

"Okay."  You said.

Sherlock pointed down the hall and you went to the door at the end.

"Come on John!  We have to solve this case!  Moriarty's out there and I'm going to find him."  You heard Sherlock say right before you shut the door.

You sighed and set your small purse on the ground next to the bed. You sat on the bed and then laid down, sleep slowly taking over your body.

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