Finding The Hostage!-John

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You had become close friends with John Watson and as close as you could be to Sherlock Holmes. You stood in your room trying on outfits. John was taking you on a fancy dinner date and you were trying to find the right dress. Finally you found one and slipped it on. It flowed a little bit past your knees and was a very nice shade of (your favorite color).
Now all you had to do was wait. You sat down in your chair and switched on the television. You didn't really pay much attention to it though. You were dazed out a bit. Then your doorbell rang and you raced over to it.

"Hey John." You smiled.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes." You said.

You got into the cab with him and drove to the restaurant. You got out and John held out his arm for you. You hooked your arm in his and walked inside. You were seated immediately and ordered your food. But the table you were at just seemed to be the wrong one. In the middle of the date, a man came in holding a gun to the crowd.

"Where is Sherlock Holmes?!" The man shouted.

No answer came at all. The man swung his gun around at everyone as he searched for the detective.

"We know you're here! Somewhere!" He shouted.

You pulled out your phone and began to call the police but didn't do it fast enough.

"Fine! We'll just have to make you come out!" The man said.

Of course, your table was the first one. So the man grabbed you causing you to drop your phone.

"No! Stop! Let me go!" You screamed.

"Alright, Sherlock! We have our hostage! If you don't come soon enough, something terrible might happen." The man said.

"No!" John shouted as they dragged you away.

The man had a gun pointed to your head so, at any time could he just pull that trigger and kill you. You didn't struggle or resist for fear he might actually do it. You were put into a car with other men and was taken captive with them.

~Three Hours Later~

You sat, tied to a chair as sweat dripped down your forehead. 'Slap!' Another hit to the face and your breathing became heavy. You rolled your head back to look at your captors but was just met by another slap. But that time it was with the gun which almost made you black out. Blood trickled down your forehead after that.

"Now, I will ask you, one last time. Where is Sherlock Holmes?" The man asked.

You didn't answer just glared at him. He became angered and once again the gun hit the other side of your head. You cried in pain and just stared at the ground next to you. Your life was being threatened and you were almost ready to give up hope. Then you heard their voices. Those two voices you always loved to hear.

"Come on John! Hurry up!" A deep voice called.

Their footsteps patted over to the place you were at. Sherlock held his gun out, and so did John. The man saw him and his lips formed a smile,

"Ah! Sherlock Holmes! The great consulting detective! Welcome." He said.

"What do you want?" Sherlock asked.

"I want you." The man said.

"Well that's a shame. Because I can't let you have that." Sherlock said and then knocked him out cold.

The other men saw that and began to flee. Sherlock smirked and John ran over to you.

"Oh my goodness. Y/n!! Y/n you're alright! You're gonna be okay." John kept saying.

He untied your ankles as Sherlock untied your arms. You rubbed your wrists since they were tied tightly to the arm rests. A few cuts had formed but that was nothing to big to worry about.

You got off the chair and wrapped your arms around John.

"Thank you so much." You said as tears fell down your face.

"It's no problem." John said.

"No really. Like if you guys hadn't showed up he was probably going to kill me." You said.

John smiled and you inched closer to each other. Soon your lips met and you smiled through the kiss. You pulled away to find Sherlock a bit startled at what just happened. You blushed a little and then made your way out of the empty warehouse.

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