Hardest Thing To Do (Part 1)-Sherlock

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You arrived at the flat and noticed a few letters on the ground. You picked them up and sorted through them. One caught your full attention though. Your name was neatly written on the front of the envelope. You walked inside and opened the letter up. You walked up the steps as you pulled the little piece of paper out of the envelope. There was only one sentence written on it, a time, and an initial.

"You know where to meet me.  2p.m. ~JM"

You breath stopped short and you froze right before you entered the flat. You looked at the closed door in front of you and quickly slipped the paper into your jacket pocket and hid the envelope under something. You took a deep breath and opened the door. Sherlock sat in his chair as usual and John sat across from him, working on his laptop. You went into the kitchen and set the letters down and your stuff. When you turned around, Sherlock was standing right there which made you gasp.

"You scared me."  You said.

"What's wrong?"  He asked.

You looked into his eyes so he couldn't tell if you were lying by not making eye contact. You had learned how to get away with things after being with the man for so long.

"What do you mean?"  You asked. "I'm fine." 

Sherlock eyed you closely and then let out a sigh of defeat.

"You're sure?"  He checked.

"Positive."  You said and gave him your best smile.

He smiled back and you gave him a peck on the lips. He turned around and went back to his spot. You let out a sigh of relief and made yourself some tea. You sat down and checked your watch. "12:36" was the time that it said. The next few hours consisted of you being completely nervous and scared. You decided to leave fifteen minutes before two.
You caught a cab and told him the address. You hurried out of the taxi when you arrived. You went to the roof of St. Bart's Hospital and found him sitting there waiting. You checked your watch and saw that you were one minute early.

"What do you want?"  You asked walking over to him by the ledge.

"I wasn't completely sure you'd show up."  He said ignoring your question.

"Come on Jim. Just tell me what you need so that I can leave."  You said.

Jim smiled, "I have something planned for my enemy. Something big."  He said holding his hands out to the side.

"For Sherlock?"  You asked trying not to sound too concerned. "What is it?" 

"I need you, to break up with him."  He said pointing his finger at you.

"What?  Why?"  You asked shouting a little.

"I need to break him. This is one of the ways to do it."  He said.

You walked right up close to him and glared at him. "What if I said 'no'?"  You asked.

In an instant, Jim had grabbed your arms and held you over the side of the building. You let out a shriek and held tight onto his arms just to be sure you wouldn't fall.

"I think you get the idea."  He said and lifted you back onto the roof.

You looked at Jim, hurt and sadness already present in your eyes. "Alright. But you have to promise me, that he will be okay."  You said.

"My goodness y/n I didn't know that when I put you up to that last task that you'd get so serious about it."  Jim taunted.

"People can change. You told me to do that and I agreed because I thought I could never love."  You said shouting in his face. "Can I go now?"  You asked.

He nodded. "See you later."  He said waving at you.

You turned on your heel and exited the building. You walked down the sidewalk thinking about how you were going to tell Sherlock. When you finally decided to call a cab you realized that it was just pointless. You were just about two minutes from the flat so you walked the rest of the way.
You entered 222B trying not to look distressed. You walked into the living room and Sherlock was getting ready to leave.

"Oh good, y/n you're here. John and I have a new case. Get your thugs you are coming with us."  Sherlock said.

"No.  Sherlock wait please."  You said holding your hands out to stop him.

"What is it?"  He asked.

"I can't. I can't go."  You said.

"Well if you're busy I understand, but I have to go."  Sherlock tried to push past you but you stopped him again.

"No, I umm, I have to do this now.  Is John here?"  You asked.

Sherlock shook his head giving you your answer.

You cleared your throat and avoided all eye contact with Sherlock. "Look, I can't do this anymore. I just don't feel anything anymore. I'm sorry."  You said.

Sherlock gave you a sad, hurt, but confused expression. "Why are you doing this?"  He questioned.

"Sherlock, this is the hardest thing for me to do but I have to. I...I don't love you."  You said and let the tears flow out.

You slipped the ring off of your finger and placed it into his hand. Sherlock stared wide eyed at you, hurt by your words. You pulled him into one last hug and gave him a last kiss.
You turned to leave but Sherlock grabbed your wrist. He placed the ring back into your hand and you gave him a confused expression.

"Just something to remember me by. And in case you ever come back."  He said then let go.

You turned back away and walked out of the flat. Once you made it outside you pressed your back against the wall and sat down on the ground. You let all your emotions pour out right then and there.

"Y/n?"  You heard a voice ask.

You looked up and saw John Watson standing there.

"Hi John."  You said croakily.

"Are you alright?"  He asked.

"Ask the same question to Sherlock and tell me his answer."  You told him.

"What did he do?"  John asked with the hint of 'I'm going to kill that man' in his voice.

"It wasn't him. It was me.  I...I broke up with Sherlock."  You burst again at Sherlock's name and buried your face on your knees.

"Oh, y/n. I'm so sorry."  He said.

You sniffled and stood up, looking around you. "I have to go. Bye John."  You said and ran off, away from Baker Street.

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