Only A Fairytale (Part 6)-Sherlock

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You and Sherlock sat on the edge of the docks staring out at the water. You felt calm and sighed. Sherlock looked at you and you slowly met his eyes. You were both smiling and you felt a weird sensation inside of you. You knew what it was. You were developing feelings for Sherlock. You'd never felt this before but you were well aware of what sentiment was. You could see that Sherlock was confused.

"What?" You asked.

"I just-I've never had these feelings before." He said.

"What feelings?" You asked.

"I don't know. But every time I'm around you I feel, I guess, whole. But then we're apart and I feel..."

"Empty." You interrupted him.

"Yes." He said.

"What you're feeling is love Sherlock." You said putting your hand on his.

"Are you sure?" He asked after looking down at your hand.

You nodded, "Yes, because I feel it too." You admitted.

Sherlock smiled and you scooted closer to him. You both leaned in and then your lips touched. You were kissing for the first time. It felt strange but also amazing! You pulled away and stared in the detective's eyes.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you too." Sherlock said.

You were about to kiss again when someone's voice interrupted you. You turned around to look and saw John running towards you. You both stood up as he made it to you.

"What is it?" Sherlock asked.

"The car is fixed up. We can go." John said panting.

You looked at Sherlock and you saw sadness in his eyes. He probably saw the same thing in yours.

"You have to go, don't you?" You asked.

Sherlock looked down and nodded, "I don't want to leave though." He said.

"I don't want you to either." You said. "But you've got to..." You said.

Sherlock sighed and took your hand. You looked up at him confused but then smiled. The three of you walked to the mechanic shop and there was the car, all fixed up. You sighed and looked down at your feet. You told Sherlock and John to meet you at the town line in ten minutes.
They agreed and you ran over to Granny's. You looked around at everyone and then found who you were looking for. You walked over and sat down across from her.

"Regina, I need to ask you a favor." You said.

Regina looked at you startled but sighed, "What do you need?" She asked.

"I need two dream catchers." You said.

"And what are you going to do with a couple of dream catchers?" She asked.

"The only magical thing we can do with them." You said.

"Alright. When do you need them?" She asked.

"Uh, in like three minutes." You said after looking at your watch.

"Lucky for you I already have some. I'll head home and bring them to you." She said.

"I'll be at the town line, so bring them there." You said.

Regina nodded and you both got out of the booth and rushed out of Granny's. You headed straight for the town line ignoring everyone that was asking where you were going. You reached the town line and sighed when you saw that the boys weren't there yet. You turned around and faced the road waiting for them to get there. You soon heard a car engine and they pulled up. Sherlock was the first one to get out of the car.

"Come with me." He said plain and simple.

You were startled by the proposition, "Sherlock, I can't." You said.

"Yes you can. Just say 'yes.'" He said.

"No, I can't, Sherlock. I can't cross the town line." You said.

Sherlock gave you a confused look and you sighed knowing you'd have to explain.

"If I cross that line I will forget my life in the Enchanted Forest and only know my life during the curse. I won't remember anything after the curse, which means-"

"You won't remember me." Sherlock interrupted you.

"I don't want to forget it. So, I can't go." You said choking back tears.

"But, I need you." Sherlock said grabbing each of your hands.

You heard footsteps from behind you and turned your head slightly. You saw Regina there but also Emma, Snow, Charming, the dwarfs, and your brother Killian.

"I know and I'm sorry." You said.

You walked over to Regina and grabbed the dream catchers. You came back to Sherlock and he looked at it.

"A dream catcher?" He asked and you nodded. "What is it for?" He asked.

"I can't have you feeling empty, Sherlock."

And with that, you waved the dream catcher over his forehead and all his memories from the past few days were gone. He collapsed onto the ground unconscious. John's eyes widened and he looked at you.

"What did you just do?!" He asked but then you did the same thing to him.

It didn't take them long to wake up and they looked around confusedly.

"Where are we?" Sherlock asked.

"You got yourselves lost. We found you both passed out here." You lied to them, trying so hard to keep back your tears.

"Oh! Thank you." He said and they got in their car after finding it.

They started the engine and drove off. You looked down at the dream catchers holding their memories in them and you broke. Your tears flowed down your cheeks and you dropped to your knees. You covered your face with your hands as your sobs racked your body. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you glanced up. Killian was looking down at you with a sad expression. You stood up and wrapped your arms around him.

"It's alright, love." He said soothingly.

"No it's not." You sobbed. "I loved him." You said.

"I know." He said.

You took a few deep breaths after pulling away and wiped the tears from your eyes. You looked at everyone and their sympathetic expression. You took one more deep breath and sighed.

"Let's go home."  You said.

You all walked back down the road back to the town. You took one last glance down the way Sherlock had driven and you looked down.

"Good bye, Sherlock Holmes."  You said quietly.

You turned back around and continued walking. You told yourself that no matter how long it would take, no matter how much the pain in your heart would ache, you would try to move on from it all. Sherlock now didn't even know you both knew each other and that was one of the worst pains. But you would move on. You had to...for Sherlock.

A/n: So I want to make 'Only A Fairytale' into a superset book and continue going from here but I'm not good at making book covers. So if any of my readers are willing to, I would appreciate it if you'd make a cover for it.  If you would like to, just send me a message and let me know!Thanks! ❤️

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