Haunted House-Sherlock

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"Do we really have to do this?" You whined as Sherlock dragged you along.

"Yes! This was my turn to pick what we wanted to do so this is what I picked." He said.

"But I hate haunted houses!" You stomped your foot on the ground.

"Why? They're so much fun!" Sherlock exclaimed.

"Not when you hate them." You mumbled.

Sherlock sighed, "Please, love. Pleeeeaaasse?" He begged, sticking out his lower lip.

You sighed with a roll of your eyes, "Alright! But if I die of a heart attack I will blame you." You said pointing a finger in his face.

He held his hands out in surrender, laughing. "Now let's go! John's going to meet us there!" He said, ushering you out the door.

You both stepped out into the fall air and you clutched your coat tighter around you. You shivered slightly and then walked along with Sherlock. You had hated haunted houses ever since you were young. You'd always go home afterwards and think that all the ghosts and zombies or whatever monsters were there would be waiting for you at home. Your parents had decided that it would be better if you didn't.
But now, you were all grown up! You could handle this...right? I guess you'd find out. As you walked, you took long deep breaths to try to calm yourself down. The memories of the haunted houses of your childhood flooding your mind. You were hoping that Sherlock didn't pick a too elaborate haunted house. But apparently you didn't hope hard enough. The house you stared at looked like the most elaborately decorated haunted house in the world. You may have given it too much credit but, who cares!
Your breathing started to get faster again and you wanted to just run back the other way. You really didn't want to do this. But, no matter how much you might kick or scream, Sherlock would most definitely drag you right inside along with him.

"Why aren't we going in?" You asked, just wanting to get this over with.

"We are waiting for John and Mary. They'll be here any minute." He said.

You huffed and crossed your arms. The wind blew your hair to the side and also made you shiver in the cold. Finally, the Watsons showed up.

"Hey! Ready to go?" John asked.

"No." You said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh, come on now. It'll be fun!" Mary said.

You nodded, "Yeah. Sure." You mumbled.

Sherlock clapped his hands together. "Well! Let's not waste another second! Let's go!"

He grabbed your hand and led you along into the house. Your heart rate got faster and faster as you approached the house. You walked up the three steps to the porch, each of them squeaking beneath your weight. You gulped as the door got closer to you. And then, you were inside. Everything was decorated just like any other haunted house. There were fake cobwebs hanging around, fake spiders, somewhere there was a smoke machine making a foggy effect on the floor. Sherlock released your hand as you all walked further into the house. You rounded a corner and...


You let out a slight scream as someone popped out from the corner. You clutched your heart tightly as you started panting. You reached out to your side to use Sherlock's shoulder as a brace but he wasn't there. You turned around and found yourself alone. You mumbled a few curses under your breath along with something along the lines of: "I swear I'm going to kill that man."
You continued on through the house...alone. You hated that word. To you it made it sound like you were so vulnerable. You were shaking now. Adrenaline was pumping through your veins. Every time you neared a corner, you would slow down, hoping that there wasn't anything down that way. You felt like crying right now. You were alone, in a haunted house. You kept thinking that, what if they had been captured? What if they were killed? What if this was some sort of trap that all four of you had entered unknowingly. You came up to another corner and gulped.

"Please let there be nothing. Please let there be nothing." You mumbled over and over again, your fingers crossed. You peeked around the corner and sighed in relief when there wasn't anything.

But then, the lights started to flicker. Then...all of them turned off except for one lantern that was hanging on the wall right above you. You stopped, looking around frantically in the dark when someone tapped your from behind. You gasped slightly, eyes wide. Your body became stiff and you were contemplating whether you should turn around or not. You slowly turned around and...no.
There stood three figures, masks covering there faces. You didn't even hear what noise they shouted because you screamed so loudly. You instinctively lifted your arm and punched the first one. The person grunted and leaned forward. You couldn't tell if the person was laughing or crying.
The lights all turned back on and you rolled your eyes when you saw them. They took off the masks and looked at you. John, Mary, and Sherlock. Your lips twitched into a slight smile when you realized you had punched Sherlock. But the smile disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared.

"Surprise!" Sherlock finally said, breaking the long silence.

"Why in the world did you do that to me?!" You asked shouting.

"I thought it would be fun." Sherlock said shrugging.

"FUN?! You thought scaring me half to death would be fun?!" You asked. "Guess what! It wasn't fun for me."

Sherlock looked at you with his sad, puppy dog eyes no one could resist.

"I'm sorry, love. Will you be able to forgive me?" He asked.

You couldn't help but smile at his tiny show, "Yes. But you know what this means, don't you?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I do. I knew the consequences when I was entering this battle." He said with a smile.

You smiled too, "Good! Cause payback is coming. It's coming right. For. You." You said poking a finger in his chest.

"I'll be ready." He said.

You laughed, "No you won't!" You said. "No you won't."

A/n: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had a slight writer's block. Hopefully that will end soon and I'll start writing some more again, soon. Thank you all for reading and voting! Love you all!
Also, my friend and I are probably going to start another account where we will publish all of our roleplays that we do together so I will update on that soon. So once I have that all set up I would love it if you guys would go and read them. Thanks guys! ❤️

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