Detective Inspector (Part 2)-Sherlock

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~Sherlock's POV~

I walked into Scotland Yard with quite a bit more evidence. I had a proud smile on my face and was excited to see how y/n would react. I had been informed late last night that there was another murder which means I'd need more evidence. I stayed up all night looking for it all and found some, but not enough to find the murderer. I opened the door to the office and set the file down on the desk. I hadn't noticed at first that y/n wasn't there, until I looked at the seat and saw George Lestrade. He didn't seem like himself though. He looked sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We found the murderer." He informed me.

"Then why are you sad, this should be happy." Sherlock said.

Lestrade just shook his head. I looked at him confused and then decided to change the subject.

"Where's y/n?" I asked.

Geoff stood up and walked over to me. "I'll tell you where. She's in jail. She's been arrested." He said.

"What?! Why would anyone arrest her?!" I shouted.

"Because, Sherlock, she's the murderer! I thought she would never do anything like that again but, she did. My own little sister." He said and I could have sworn I saw tears in his eyes threatening to fall.

A silence befell the both of us until I realized what he had said. "Wait, what do you mean again?" I asked.

"Well, around the same time that you were arrested when you were high, my sister was also arrested. She, uh, had killed someone. She'd always say 'It was just one person' and things like that. Eventually she seemed to calm down and they released her but, I guess old habits don't die off." He explained.

After he finished the story, I remembered back to when I was arrested. There was one girl that was in the cell next to me. We'd talk and she would tell me the happy times she'd had back with her family. I then realized that that girl was y/n. I gasped.

"What is it?" Lestrade asked.

"Oh Gavin this is wonderful! I need to speak with y/n!" I rambled.

"What? Hold on! What do you mean wonderful? And you can't just talk to her she's locked up!"

"Well bring her into the interrogation room and let me talk with her." I demanded.

Lestrade just stared at me and then sighed, "Alright, fine." He agreed.

I smiled and clapped my hands together, "Excellent!" I said.

I went back to the flat and got John.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"We're going to talk to an old friend."

~Your POV~

They brought you down the hall to the interrogation room. They say you in one of the seats at the table and they cuffed you to the table. The seat in front of you was empty. The men left the room and you just sat there. After a few minutes of waiting, the door reopened and a familiar man walked in.


"Hello again, y/n." He said.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"I needed to talk to you." He said.

"About what?" You questioned.

"I remember that when I was here, locked up, there was this one girl in the cell next to me. She talked to me and we became friends. She'd tell me good stories about her life before she was locked up." Sherlock explained. "And that girl was-"

"Me." You interrupted. "So you remember us being in prison together, what does that have to do with anything?" You asked.

"Because of the thing that you'd tell me every single day." He said. "You would always tell me that you shouldn't even be there. That you didn't kill the person they were accusing you of."

You nodded remembering saying those things.

"Is that true this time too?" He questioned.

You looked Sherlock straight in the eye and nodded. "Yes. It's true." You said. "I don't remember killing those people but I saw the footage they got of me. I must've killed them but I don't have any memory of doing it." You said.

Sherlock nodded in understanding. He would get you out of here. He had to. He got an idea of how to prove she didn't do that.

"Y/n. What happens every time before you went and killed someone?" He asked.

"Umm, well if you mean like last night, I was walking home. There was nobody outside. It was just me and this other man sitting in his car. He was on the phone. I saw him put it down and then I remember a horrible, horrible pain. The worst headache I'd ever felt. Then, I'd hear a voice. A man's voice, telling me to do something. I can never remember what he said.
"He would tell me something and then everything would go black. Then, I guess hours would pass and I'd wake up in a completely different place. It makes no sense but that's what happened." You said.

Sherlock had put his hands under his chin and had his eyes closed. You looked at him oddly and snapped your fingers in front of his face.

"Sherlock?" You called. "Sherlock did you hear anything that I just told you?" You asked.

Sherlock's eyes popped open, "What? Oh! Yes. And don't worry y/n I will help you get out of here." He said giving your hand a squeeze.

He tried to stand up out you gripped his arm and pulled him back down into the seat.

"Why are you helping me?" You asked.

"Because you helped me when I was here. You proved to everyone that I could stop my addiction. Now I'm going to prove to everyone that you're not a murderer." He said.

You smiled and him and whispered a 'thank you' to him. Again he tried to leave but ended up staying because of what happened next.
You let out a pained scream and squeezed your eyes shut. Sherlock looked at you with a confused expression but soon realized what was happening when you opened your eyes. He saw them change from a frightful innocent person to someone ready to kill.

"Sherlock! It's happening again!" You screamed.

The blackness spread across your eyes and you couldn't control yourself anymore. You gave up and blacked out.

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