CH 1: Bullies Suck

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I glance at the clock again and sigh, just another couple of minutes and I'm out of here. I swear this has been the longest day. Every class was so.... the bell rings interrupting my thoughts.

Finally! I grab my books and papers and head for the door. I want to find my friends before they make other plans. I see them in the hall ahead of me and run to catch up. "Hey, guys, want to play some ball before we head home?"

"We got enough of us for three on three. Yeah, let's do it." Forth says and the others nod their heads in agreement.

"Let me stop by my locker and I'll meet you at the court in 10 minutes." I just need to drop my books off and grab my bag.

"Ok, see you in a few N'Ming."

I wave at my friends as they walk away. After making a quick stop at my locker, I'm on my way again, but when I'm crossing one of the hall intersections, I see something that catches my attention.

There's a group of five boys surrounding a smaller one, pushing and shoving him. I just don't get bullies and I don't tolerate bullying when I can stop it. I walk towards the group, and as I get closer I can hear what they're saying to the smaller boy.

"Everyone knows your mother died because she couldn't stand to be around you anymore."

"Your father left you too, he didn't want you either. No one wants you."

"The only people who stay with you are the ones who get paid to be there."

"Why are you even in this school? None of us want you here. Just leave." The boy who says this grabs the small boy and shoves him to the ground. He lands against the lockers and just kind of huddles there.

Ok, that's it. I've seen enough. "STOP!" I yell out and six heads turn to face me. "What are you doing? Leave him alone."

"Mind your own business, dog." This boy appears to be the leader of the group. He's the one who shoved the smaller boy.

A growl escapes me at his name calling. "Who are you calling a dog, you hairless ape."

"What did you..." One of the other boys puts a hand on his chest to stop him, then says to me, "This has nothing to do with you. Mind your own business."

"I'm making it my business." I look the five humans over and know I can take all of them if I need to. "Just walk away. Trust me, you don't really want to pick a fight with me."

A second boy in the back whispers to the leader, "It's not a big deal, let's go. He's alone every day, we'll just find him later."

I guess he believes I can't hear him. Stupid humans. I just stare at them while the leader thinks about his options. Finally, he turns to his group and says, "Let's go." But before he leaves, he leans towards the boy huddled on the floor, "That dog might have saved you today, but we'll be seeing you again soon."

After I watch them leave, I move closer to the boy still sitting on the floor. I reach out to touch his shoulder, but he flinches away from my hand. I pull back, but still ask, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok." He scrambles up to his feet. "Thanks for your help." He mumbles with his head down.

He's so short. The top of his head just barely reaches my shoulder. "Do they do that a lot? Bully you?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Have you told anyone? Any of your friends? A teacher? A parent?"

"Uh... no. I don't really have any f-friends." It seems like he's getting nervous, he's fidgeting a lot and talking fast. "This is my f-first year here and I haven't been able to make any yet. I don't want to bother the t-teachers or my d-dad. I'm sure they're pretty busy."

While he's talking, I'm thinking about the things the other boys said to him. Surely, he has someone he can go to for help?

"I'll just be going now. Thanks again."

I can't really leave him here by himself, can I? What if they come back for him today? "Do you want to come play basketball? I'm meeting a few friends at the courts and we're going to play."

"Uhm, I'm not very good at sports." He's wringing his hands and it seems like he just wants to run away.

"You don't have to play, you can watch if you want. You can just hang out with us for a while. I'll introduce you to my friends."

"A-are you sure? Are you sure your f-friends won't mind?" He asks timidly. I still haven't gotten a look at his face. He's been talking to the floor.

"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't, besides my friends are cool." I cannot for the life of me figure out why I am trying so hard to get him to come with me. Except that he just seems so all alone.

"O-ok then, yes, I'd like to go with you." He holds his hand out to me.

Hmm, I'm not sure what to do. Does he want to shake hands? While I'm staring at his hand he takes a step forward and slips his small hand into mine which is hanging at my side. I stare down at our hands confused and a little weirded out. I look up, opening my mouth to say something to him about it, and stop.

I swallow my words as everything comes to a complete halt when I see his face for the first time.

His skin is so white and looks really soft. His hair is dark brown and messy with the fringe is falling in his eyes. His eyes. Geez, his eyes are like melted chocolate, soft and warm, framed by the longest lashes I've ever seen on a boy or a girl. His nose is a little large for his face and has a small bump in it like it was broken before, but it just makes him look cuter. His mouth is small, and his lips are pink, the upper one shaped like a perfect little bow and the lower one slightly fuller giving him a pouty look. I wonder if they taste as sweet as they look.

I shake my head to clear it. What the hell am I thinking? I know I'm a horny teenager, but come on? I only just met this kid.

"D-Did you change your mind?" he asks as he starts to pull his hand from mine, uncertainty written on his face.

"No!" He jumps at my outburst, but I latch onto his hand tightly and don't let him pull away. What did I do that for? At this point I have no idea what I'm doing anymore.

"O-ok. Are you ready to go then?"

"Uhm, yeah. Wait, what's your name? Mine's Ming. Ming Daichapanya."

"I'm Wayo Panitchayasawad."

"Wayo, huh. Well come on Ai'Yo, let's go."

He just looks at me when I give him the nickname, but then his face slowly breaks into a blinding smile and once again my thoughts are scattered to the winds. Argh! I shake my head again to clear it and look down at my watch.

"Shit, I was supposed to be there 15 minutes ago, we got to run, or my friends are going to be mad at me." Still holding his hand, I drag him behind me through the halls and out the doors to the courts. 



Hi Everyone!!!  Well Here is the 1st chapter of my new book. Let me know what you think ok? 

I hope like me you're looking forward to seeing our 6 guys as humans, wolves and vamps. I don't know where this story is going yet, but I think it'll be a fun ride. Hope you join me!

See ya next week!!!  :-]

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