Chapter 63

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First day back at school was pretty exciting.
Everyone knew about Dany being friends with us. And half of the school wanted to talk to me about him. And the other half wanted to kill me for it.
The next biggest thing was about me and Ashton. We were suddenly the hot new couple. And I actually enjoyed the attention.

Ashton smiled more than I had ever seen him smile. Nate won't stop making fun of our sex life.
Everything was fun until lunch.

"I can talk to her if you want." Ashton said.

"No I should do it." I said letting him place a kiss on my cheek. "Go. I'll come see you at the soccer field."

He had practice for the State Championship semi finals.
Once he was out of sight, i let out a huge breath and walked towards Jane. She didn't even bother to look up at me when I sat down. Freya excused herself and walked away, looking between the both of us.

"Jane...I'm sor..."

"If you say you're sorry, i will loose it." She said. Her voice calm and steady.

"But I am." I replied.

She turned around and looked at me, no more sweet little Jane.
She stood up and walked towards the door, asking me to follow her.
once we were outside, aways from people's prying eyes, she scoffed.

"You know I slept with him, right?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"And yet you didn't hesitate to steal him from me? I thought you're my friend."

"I am!" I said.

"Friends don't steal each others guy. Do you know how long I've wanted him? I asked you tonnes of times if you were a thing. Or if you like him. If you had just told me, i would have let it go. Because I figured friends are more important. I trusted you. And you steal him the day after I...."

"I slept with him too you know. Way before you did." I said.

"Yeah and if you had just told me that, i never would have acted on my feeling Izzie. And you, you are just a backstabbing little bitch." Jane said. "And by the way, you slept with Kyle and whoever else you did. But he was my first."

"I'm so sorry, Jane."

"Forget it. I never believed them when they said you are a whore. Seems like i was wrong."

"I had him before you, Jane. And I'm not gonna apoligize for the way i feel about him. And I'm not gonna apologize for not giving up on thw people i love. And that includes you Jane. Say what you want to say about me. But I'll always be your friend. If you ever need me, I'll be there." Jane laughed. Actually laughed out loud.

"We stopped being friends the minute you took him away from me. I gave you one too many chances to do so. But you didnt. So stop pretending to be my friend. And dont worry. I'm not gonna talk shit about you to the whole school. Your dirty little secrets safe with me. Consider it the last favour i do as your 'friend'"

I watched Ashton play in the sun. He was 'skins' and little drops of sweat were shining on his skin. His perfect skin. I couldn't help myself from feeling guilty about Jane. Especially once i learnt that she was a virgin before him. I had done a reallu shitty thing. I was a horrible person. But i was serious when i said i wont feel guilty for wanting him. But i should feel guilty for not telling her. I should have.

"What are you doing?" I was startled when Nora spoke.

"Watching my boyfriend." I said with a smile and a wink. And immediately stopped smiling. "That still sounds really strange."

Nora laughed. "I got into Harvard."

"Wow. Congratulations. Wait a minute i thought you already got into some other college." I said.

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