Chapter 15

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I walked through the crowded hallway of the school,wishing pain on every one of the girls who kept staring at me.

"Hey" I heard a voice say from behind me.
"Hello there? How may I help you?" I asked.
"I'm looking for the most gorgeous girl in the whole school. Could you point me in her way?"
"Why, Mr.Handerson, you are looking right at her" I fake bowed. Earning a chuckle and a kiss on the cheek. Kyle and I had been hanging out a lot lately, almost every day after school and on the weekends as well. He still was scared of the thought of meeting my father. Which I still find hilarious.

"So, I have something to ask you" Kyle said.
"What is it?" I asked worried.
"Come to the parking lot." He said pulling me towards the doors. Once we were by his bike, I noticed a single rose on his bike. It was a blue coloured rose, just the way I liked it. He took the rose and turned to me and grinned. Then he handed the rose towards me and muttered, "for you"
"Um, Isabelle Wilson. I think you are amazing. And um, really - uh - you know-" I raised one eyebrow and bit my lips to keep myself from laughing out loud. "You're really beautiful. And uh, adorable. And I was wondering if uh, if you want to-" he was asking me out. And I swear I could see his tan skin turning pink. "You know" he said looking at me. Then I burst into laughter.
"I'm sorry Kyle. Just relax and ask me"
"I don't do this very often, Wilson. I don't remember the last time I asked a girl out." He mutterd.
"Just do it" I was getting impatient.
"Okay. Will you go out with me? Because I really think you should."
"Oh I should? How sure are you?"
"A little above 200%" kyle replied.
"Well if you are so sure, I dont think I have another choice, right? Seems like I have to go out with you" I said, hugging Kyle.

And not so surprisingly, there were people looking and staring at us.
"Ignore them. So I'll pick you up tonight at 7. Dress casual." He winked at me as he got on his bike and left. I swear sometimes, I felt like he doesn't even attend school at all.

I went back inside and ran to my chemistry class.
"About time Miss Wilson. Looks like your lab partner is going to be Mr.Westbrook." Mr.Chemistry said. Thats not really his name. I just don't remember his stupid name.
"What?" I said a little louder than i would have liked.
"Mr.Greene has dropped out -god help that stupid boy- so you need a new partner" he said narrowing his eyes at me. "Oh and I expect to see you in detention after the session" I located Ashton and internally groaned, seeing the look on his face. God I hated him so much.
I wanted to go home and take a great bubble bath right after classes. And on the last period, I had to get detention.

Detention was so boring. The teacher kept sleeping and I had to stay there with a bunch of popular jocks, until Sean came and convinced the teacher that they will replace the detention and that they had soccer practice. And just like that, I was alone with some weird dude and a sleeping teacher. Could this day get any worse.

Yes! Yes it could.

After detention, I practically ran out of the doors of the stupid school. Until a tall figure stepped infront of me.
"What do you want?" I asked looking at a very sweaty Ashton.
"Nothing" he said moving out of my way. I started walking and tripped and fell on the grass, face first. Tripped on Ashton's leg that he pulled out ON PURPOSE. I groaned and Ashton started laughing out loud. I got up and glared at him before storming out of the school ground. I tried calling Steven, but my phone ran out of battery.

I was halfway home when I heard a group of guys calling my name. I looked around to see Nathan and Ashton with some other guys. Not wanting to have another encounter with the assholes, I increased the speed I was walking in. I should not have worn heels today.

"Princess, wait for us" Ashton called out to me. I started walking even faster and Ashton started speeding up as well. So I did the best thing I could think of. I took off my heels and decided to walk barefoot. Finally a good speed

"Princess, come on. Slow down. Walk with us" he said walking faster, making the gap between us smaller and smaller. And I did what any sane person would do. I started running.

"What?" I heard Ashton say in confusion and then he started running after me. He is so creepy.
"Somebody help. A rapist is chasing me!" I screamed still running. No one was around to hear me. This town really needs more people.
"Somebody help. That stripper stole all my money." Ashton screamed back, almost catching upto me.
"Gotcha" he said putting a hand on my shoulders and pulling on my dress. Immature.
"Oww" I screamed as he pulled on my dress along with a strand of hair. And I heard laughter as the guys caught upto us.
"What the hell is your problem Ashton" I yelled at him.
"You didn't wait for us" he said.
"Thats because you're annoying and I don't like you" I yelled louder.
"Ow. You are so loud for such a tiny person" he said putting a hand on my mouth. And I bit his hand. He pulled his hand off my mouth, wincing.

"You don't like me?" He asked me after a few minutes. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Duhh"
"Why not?" He asked.
"Because you're an asshole. And you hate me" he stared at me for a while and nodded his head saying that that sounds like him. It was the longest walk I have ever taken. Ashton kept making fun of me and asking me weird things until Nathan cursed at him and asked him to shut up. I looked at Nathan and he looked away. He hated me. Since the trashy locker incident.

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