Chapter 49

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I took the most relaxing bath ever. And more.
When I came into the room, there was a post it note pasted on the mirror.

  Wear a dress. We're having a photo shoot.

I was still in my underwear when someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked still going through my clothes.

"Its me." I groaned at the voice.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"My camera equipment." He replied.

"Just give me a second." I said throwing on a robe.
His eyes looked over my body and rested on my chest.

"Uh, your..." he said hesitantly, pointing at my breast.

I looked down. My boobs were on show. I tightened the robe around me properly and looked away. He cleared his throat and went to the nightstand to collect his stuff.

"Hey Izz." Lucy came into the room a while later. "You're still naked."

"Seems that way." I said smiling.

"You have great titties." She said grinning. My robe was still too loose.

"Anyway, I didn't bring any dresses. You have anything in all those suitcases that I could borrow?"

"Yeah." I said showing her my suitcase.

Ashton left while we were searching for the perfect dress.
Lucy chose a bright red dress that reached just above her knees. She let me choose shoes and accessories for her. Fortunately, we wore the same sized shoes.

"Is this okay?" I asked her once I finished.

"Yeah. You look great." Lucy said hugging me. She was the more touchy, huggy friend.

"Besides, Ashton can make you look really great in all the pictures." She added.

"He's that good?" I asked. I had never really seen his pictures.

"He doesn't even have to use any filters. His pictures are always so good. He's better than any professional you'll ever see. Trust me." She said holding my hand and pulling me out of the room.

"Wow." Sean was out of words when he saw Lucy. He kissed her and looked her over again.

For the first time that day, things weren't awkward between Ashton and me. Not normal either.
He was like Lee when he's making his music. Deep in what he was doing.
Making Ashton happy was an impossible thing. But when he's taking photographs, thats when he is truly letting himself be happy.

A lot of couple portraits were taken that day. The cabin was in a really beautiful spot. I was admiring the scene when Lee came upto me. I noticed Ashton and Nate talking.
And I couldn't help but wonder if they were talking about what happened last night.

"Do you by any chance like Nate?" Lee asked.

"What?" I said looking at him with a smile. "I'm still in love with Kyle, Lee."

"Oh." He said finally.
Me mentioning Kyle always made my friends uncomfortable. Ever since we broke up.

"Ivan called." Lee said.


"He wants me to come down to LA after Christmas. Sign the contract and work on my music." He said.

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