Chapter 36

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Ashton complimented me.
That could have been the weirdest thing to happen to me that day. But the roses and the cards I found in my locker later that day beat it.

Right before detention, I went to my locker to keep my text books inside. I found a box, sitting there inside the locker. Keeping my books in, I opened it. There were 2 white roses inside it, lying on a bed of red rose petals. At first I thought it was from Kyle, apoligizing to me for being so distant lately. Until I noticed the next bit. There was a note attached to each stem.

I carefully read each: 'One for momma bear, and one for the naughty bear who died along with her' and the other one read: 'be careful of the thorns and blades. They cut deep!'

Sure enough, my fingers pricked one of thorns as I looked though the bed of petals. I found what I was looking for, a tiny blade. Frowning, I assessed the note again, and noticed a familiar signature or something on it. I realized inmediately who sent it to me. The man in the hoodie. From the previous weekend

"Sleeping beauty pricked her fingertips" Ashton was standing infront of me with his stupid smirk. Until he noticed the the objects in my hand. One of my hands holding the box, and one of the roses out of the box while the other hand held an awfully fancy blade.

"What the hell?" He took the box from me and read the notes attached to each. Then he eyed the blade and back at the note.

"Who did this?" He asked me, getting a little closer.

"I don't know, I just..." I couldn't think of anything to say. "The only person I know who'd do such a horrible thing for fun is you"

"It wasn't me" he said. I knew that. And he knew that I knew that.

After making plans with the gang for the weekend, Kyle and I left home. The whole place was chaotic. Steven and his friends running around the house, trying to tidy the place up.

"What's. ..going on?" I asked.

"Your dad. On the way" one of them, which one I wasn't sure, answered. I ran upstairs, throwing my bag and the roses on the bed, I sped downstairs to help.

We were barely done when dad entered the living room. Everyone had already had a change of clothes. Harry's fingers looked wrong without his usual joint inbetween his index and middle finger. It was replaced by a cup of coffee, a bad attempt by Steven to make him look less high than he already was.
Wasn't just him, Steven was slightly high too, I could tell.
Dots had hidden his bag of ecstacy, which he almost always carried with him at all time. I was seated in between Kyle and Steven.

"Izzie, Steven?" Dad called out as he entered the front door.

"Yes dad" we both replied together, as if we hadn't had a huge fight infront of all my friends a few days ago.

"...and" dad added when he noticed the half dozen boys in his living room.

"Ssup Robbie" Harry was always like that. But he was more scared of dad than the rest of the boys.

"I was hoping to talk to my kids alone. But, it can wait" he said heading upstairs.

"Okay, what happens now?" Kyle asked Steven, instead of me.

"I don't know man. But I do know, we have to introduce you to dad. Before he does on his own." Steven replied.

"I know what happens now. I will stay over at your's instead" I dismissed Steven's idea.

"Izzie do you want to get caught? Dad's gonna kill you." Steven growled.

"I don't care" I replied.

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