⦂ forty-eight ⦂

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nobody's pov

the room is silent as the pair - simon and alysha - happily, and quietly cherish the moment they have together, alone, without anyone else around to disturb them.

alysha's face is happily buried in simon's chest as they share an ever-lasting hug; rocking side to side gently, and with the odd small, gentle kiss from simon onto alysha's head, making her feel warm inside and safe from everything.

alysha looks up at simon with a small smile - placing her chin onto his chest. noticing this, simon looks down at her, also with a smile. "can i help?" simon quietly asks. without saying a word, alysha stands on her tip-toes and gently connects their lips together. complying, simon kisses her back.

that's when the office door opens...

. . .

josh's pov

i open simon's office door, knowing he'll be inside, and to my shock i see simon and alysha kissing one another.

"excuse me!" i yell, forcing them to part away from one another. "i-i-i..." simon stutters in shock and embarrassment. "oh fuck," alysha simply says. "alysha, my office now!" i yell as i point down the corridor. she simply nods before rushing out; her face bright red.

"josh... i-i-i..." simon stutters. "no simon. you know the rules. you're a teacher and she's a student. you can't have a sexual relationship with her." i explain harshly. "b-but josh," he stutters, clearly shaken up. "no buts simon. no buts." i say. he sighs, "i-i'm sorry," he says. i also sigh, "i'll talk to you later about this," i say before walking out his office, closing the door behind me before heading to my office where alysha should be.

. . .

time skip: alysha's pov

i sit outside of mr. bradley's office and sigh. i've fucked up, big time, and now i know i'm gonna get kicked out and i'll never be able to see simon again.

it's all my fault. i mean, i'm the one who made simon fall in love with me, knowing that it was against the rules of the school - or any school for that matter. so, i should be the one getting the punishment, not simon.

"come on in, alysha," mr. bradley says as he walks towards me. i sigh as i stand up, and watch as he unlocks his office door and walks in. i walk in after him and close the door behind up.

"sit." he simply says as he sits behind his desk. i comply and sit down opposite him.

"i'm getting kicked out, aren't i?" i ask, already knowing the answer. "yes." mr. bradley nods. i sigh, "okay." i nod. "you know the rules, and yet you chose to break them. so, from now on, you will not be attending this school." mr. bradley says. i nod, "okay."

"c-can i just say one thing?" i ask as i watch mr. bradley pick up the phone from his desk, ready to call my mum and tell her that i've been kicked out. "what?" he asks. "d-don't punish mr. minter. it's all my fault. i lured him into this." i say, stuttering at the start. he sighs, "well, i need to at least talk to him about this," "i get that. just... just don't punish him." i say. he sighs again, "okay."

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