Chapter 28.

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Well, the world knows now. The world knows that Emma is in a rehabilitation clinic, although they don't know what for yet. That's my job for today, I've decided I'm going to tell the three paps outside my house, the pleasant and respectful ones. They've waited patiently without a single photo being taken or question being asked, therefore it's only fair.

And I know they won't twist my words either, they'll listen to what I have to say and write exactly what I've spoken; that's what I admire about them. More and more people have been bombarding me with questions over the last few days, she hasn't even been in there for that long, only three days!

I'm trying to make sure that Emma is at peace in the clinic, she needs a break and time to heal from her internal wounds; therefore I make sure that all the press and paps bombard me, and aren't allowed to get close to her. She doesn't deserve that.

Emma is still scared as hell. She waits for me everyday and I've visited at both visiting hours; I go from three until four then again from six until seven everyday. I don't want her to be alone. She's told me that she feels better but I don't believe her, I know that's just her excuse to make me bring her home. But I can't, she's not ready yet.

It's currently quarter to three and I'm just about to leave the house for visiting hours, the three paps are outside my house waiting patiently as always. I actually found out their names: Matt, Hugh and finally, Russell, which makes me chuckle to myself knowing that's the name of Emma's Mini Cooper.

I take a final deep breath before leaving the house, I don't like hospitals much, they're enclosed spaces and are never very lucky for people considering you're there because of bad news. The door locks effortlessly and I make my way over to the three awaiting men. "Hiya lads." I greet them with a small smile.

"Hey mate, you okay today?" Hugh asks in concern, they really are genuinely nice people.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll err, tell you guys what's going on. It's only fair considering how patient you've been."

"Thanks Harry, that means a lot man." They thank me gratefully and honestly, I wonder what they'll think of the news.

"Well, several weeks ago Emma found out she was pregnant," I start, their phones switched on to microphone as they listen to me intently. "Although, two weeks ago she found out that she had a miscarriage and hasn't taken the news very well, as you can probably guess," I mention referring to her gaunt and lifeless appearance, "she's been taken to a rehabilitation clinic because she is suffering from a condition called PPD, and will be there until she recovers." That's all they need to know, that's basically the story without a few minor details. They don't need to know anything else, the rest is mine and Emma's business.

"Well we hope that she has a quick recovery Harry and that she's back home soon." Matt smiles friendly, his words touching me slightly and making me thankful that they're here to say that.

Russell speaks next, his hand giving me a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "We're sorry to hear about your miscarriage mate, take care of yourself."

I nod gratefully at the trio and walk to my car, I don't want to be late for Emma, she'll hate that. She always goes on at me for being late when I'm with her, when it comes to work I'm always fairly on time, but with Emma I'm never early enough. My mind wanders as I drive the now familiar route to the rehabilitation clinic, so much has changed in the last three and a half years; I was so young back then and already head over heels for a girl I'd just met, but that girl turned out to be my wife, the woman of my dreams, and I honestly couldn't be happier.

I park my car in the visitors car park and walk the short distance to the front of the building, the inside is a typical clinical white with pristine and glowing paint covering the walls. "Afternoon Mr Styles." The kind receptionist waves, clearly recognising me from my other visits.

"Afternoon." I give the brunette a small smile whilst walking briskly towards my wife's room.

Emma lies peacefully in a private room that has an open window with a beautiful view of the luscious green scenes surrounding the clinic. She is somewhat tranquil here and I know that she'll get better, well I hope she will.

"Hey baby," I smile as she slowly turns her head to see me, her frail hand reaching out desperately for mine with every last ounce of energy she has left. "How're you feeling?" I ask her the same question I do everyday.

"Better now you're here." She sends me a soft sorrowful smile and answers the same way she does every time I ask that. I know she hates it here but I've brought her here for a reason, I just want her to get better; to be the same old Emma I fell in love with, the same Emma I married.

"Don't look at me like that." I plea as her soft hazel eyes turn away from me and down to our entwined hands. "You know I'm only trying to help you." I tell her as my eyes start to water due to the whole situation.

"I promise I'll be better at home. With you."

"No. What if something happened to you Emma, and I couldn't help?" I raise my voice although I don't mean to, she's still the same stubborn girl underneath this broken exterior, she knows what she wants. "Something that I couldn't control? I can barely live with myself knowing what I've already put you through! I don't know what I'd do if I lost you!"

And I think that's when she understands my grief, I can see the pain and acceptance flash across her eyes; she knows I'm doing the right thing by keeping her here, but I understand how caged she must feel. Having lost me for so long and then when she finally got me back we were tore apart again, her being here and me being at home.

Her head nods softly as she bites her plump bottom lip, failing to control her tears and silent whimpers. "You know I love you," I sniffle, perching my body next to hers on the bed and cradling her in my arms like a newborn child. "But I love you too much to lose you again, and if it means you being in here, then we're just going to have to accept it."

"I don't deserve you." She mumbles into my chest, changing the subject. I squeeze her body tightly, too scared to let her go.

"Well tough because you're stuck with me. That's what this ring means," I point to her wedding ring sat snuggly on her finger again, smiling slightly as it warms my heart. "It means forever." Our fingers fiddle together and Emma soon stops her tears by listening to the steady sound of my heartbeat.

"Forever is a long time." Her small voice wavers just below me, her cheek moving against my chest as she speaks.

"And I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else but you."


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- Pianogirl56

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