Chapter 8.

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"Emma hurry up we're gonna' be late!" I hear Harry's voice boom from downstairs.

Today is New Year's Eve and myself and Harry are on our way to Zayn and Perrie's house because they're hosting the New Years party this year, normally we alternate, like last year it was at Niall's and Hayley's.

It's nearing 8pm and I'm almost ready, I've had Harry mithering me for the last half an hour, pestering me to hurry up. I mean, I'm a girl, I'm going as fast as I can!

After having a movie afternoon with the group of fans the other day, me and Harry have been in the papers every day since. Everyone has been talking about how 'lovely' and 'amazing' we are to our fans, some people think it was all publicity; we on the other hand don't care what anyone thinks, we simply let a small group of fans into our home because it was cold outside, and we were worried for their well-being, nothing more, nothing less.

As I make my way down the staircase I notice Harry's attire. His outfit casual as always but somehow manages to be exceedingly outstanding, perfect for him. He is wearing his usual black skinny jeans, the material hugging closely to his slim legs and his belt fitted to the perfect setting around his hips; he is wearing a plain white dress shirt that is smartly tucked in; all of this paired with a black blazer and shiny dress shoes. He looks amazing as per usual.

I, on the other hand, have chosen to wear a white strapless dress, with a band of flowers along where my midriff is, the colours light and pastel-like. Below this, the dress ripples lightly to the edge of the knee length dress, I've paired my dress with a chunky silver bracelet, diamanté's across the top, and a silver clutch purse.

"Wow," I hear Harry's voice whisper lowly. His eyes wide as he glances over at me, staring intently in disbelief.

"Wow yourself." I smile back, glancing once again at his suitable outfit.

He holds out his arm in a gentlemanly manner and I link with him immediately, his arm tightening close to his side and pulling me into him further and securing me there. He also acts to help me balance in my silver heels, floral patterns along the side of them as I walk with Harry towards his Range Rover.

The journey to the party is quiet and peaceful, something contradicting to the loud music and chattering that is bound to come. I hold on to Harry's hand tightly as he drives, our thoughts wandering together silently, neither of us saying a word but both internally thinking about the same things.

This year is almost over. Only a few more hours and we'll be starting a new year together.

More birthdays.

Valentines day.


Our anniversary.


And then right back around to New Years.

Time goes too fast nowadays, the only moments that seem to drag are the ones that you wish didn't. The ones that you don't want to savour or remember, the ones that you want to forget. But all the times that you wish to remember are gone within seconds.

Moments later Harry pulls up at Zayn and Perrie's house, the outline of their large white Christmas tree still visible through their voile curtains, it being beautifully lit with blue and lilac lights and sprinkled with light pink and blue baubles. The guttering of the house lined neatly with white Christmas lights, making the front brighter and more eye catching than before. I knock on the glossy black front door, waiting patiently beside Harry for them to answer; his arm slithering securely around my waist as he pulls me into his warm side, placing a loving and well needed kiss to my temple. Words can't describe how much I love this man next to me.

Fallen Rain. (Sequel to Old Rain)Where stories live. Discover now