Chapter 31.

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Time goes by slowly whilst she's away...

Hayley broke down after what happened at the clinic yesterday. Moments like that prove that Emma and I are meant to be together, it shows how strong we are and how we would genuinely do anything for each other. We're like two halves of a stone, capable on our own but stronger when we're together.

Hayles thinks that Emma seems better when I'm around, that I bring out the best in her; I like it when people say things like that, it makes me feel like I make a difference to Emma's life. Which I suppose I do in a way.

It's quarter to three and I'm eagerly waiting until visiting hours start. Rehearsals were this morning, and they will be again in the afternoon, so I'll miss the next visiting hours; although Hayley said that she'll go to that one so Emma won't be on her own.

Comet and Zazu lie sprawled out next to me on the couch, their bodies relaxing lazily without shame. The two of them make me laugh, they've been a big part of mine and Emma's life and have acted as my rock whilst she's been away.

Like I said, time seems slower now that she's gone. Everything seems to drag until the next time I see her.

Zazu's foot kicks Comet lazily and he playfully bites the lump of a cat; the pair both basically lying on top of each other to claim the comfiest space on the couch. I lift Comet up and place him on my lap, he's a rather large puppy now.

His fur is a lot longer than before and he's grown a little bit, I'd be surprised if Emma even recognises him when she next see's him, he's grown up so much. Comet still holds a playful personality, unlike Zazu who can't be bothered to do anything but eat and sleep most of the time.

"Hey pal." I smile at the puppy, his tongue stuck out and panting at me happily, completely oblivious to everything that's happening around him. He licks my cheek and I chuckle, using the end of my sleeve to wipe away the slobber he's left behind.

"I'll take you on a walk when I get back, I promise." I talk to him easily, my fingers rubbing in his favourite spot behind his ears. "You too Zaz." I chuckle to myself, knowing that'll he'll trail behind us like he always does. He might be a lazy cat but he does love people's company.

I stand up from my place and head to the car, signing a few things, and taking some photos with the fans before I hop in my car and drive to the clinic. I brought the game 'Scrabble' when I came to visit yesterday, it reminds me of mine and Emma's honeymoon; there was only board game and that was Scrabble, so we'd play it everyday just because we could. We would make up words and meanings just to make each other laugh, I miss times like that.

I pull up at in my usual space and walk to Emma's room, the usual receptionist not there to greet me as she has done every other day that I've been coming here.

I find Emma sat staring at the wall ahead of her, her face solemn and pained as I step into the room. "Hey babe." I walk over, placing my lips to her forehead and clasping her hand in mine.

"Hi." Her voice whispers to me breathily, she's getting worse.

"How are you feeling today?" I question hesitantly with concern.

"Good." Lie.

"I don't believe you." I confront my lifeless wife.

"It's okay," she pauses and her head rolls to the side so that she's facing me. "Nobody does when I say that." Her words act like a flaming dagger through my chest. I know that she's right.

My mind changes the subject to ease to tense atmosphere around me, "do you want to play Scrabble?" I ask with a smile, almost excited because I really want to play with her.

Fallen Rain. (Sequel to Old Rain)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ