Chapter 2.

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I feel suffocated. My face is warm and the air around me is thick, my throat feels like it has closed up and my nose is blocked beyond compare. I open my eyes lazily to complete darkness, I've felt this before, this weight on my face.

"Zaz!" I mumble beneath him, "get your bum off my face!" I chuckle at the fury lump, picking him up and cuddling him. Yes, Zaz lives with me and Harry and hasn't changed whatsoever! He's still the same old lazy, cheeky, cuddly lump of fur I have ever met in my life - he's so laid back it's unreal.

With Zaz on my lap I glance to the vacant bed space next to me, missing my perfect husband's body cuddled into mine. Clanking is heard from downstairs leaving me curious, so I grab Zazu and start descending the staircase, walking the familiar route to the kitchen.

I pass our advent calendars on the way and find that Harry's has already been opened. When I enter the kitchen I notice the windows steamed up completely, water vapour clinging to the glass as the condensed steams reside there; Harry stands with his muscular back facing me and multiple pots in his hands as he stands at the sink and rinses them of any left over contents.

My shoulder leans lazily against the doorframe, Harry's checked button up shirt that I'm wearing only just reaching below my bum as I watch him in awe. He stands in nothing but his boxers, his back muscles contracting as he works and his strong - and surprisingly skinny, I've noticed - legs holding up the weight of his sculptured body.

"What are you doing?" I ask over the hissing of the pressure cooker which I know contains a range of different vegetables.

He turns to find me in little clothing and cradling Zazu in my arms like a baby, tickling his tummy. Harry chuckles at the sight and strolls over to me until his height is towering above me as usual, "I've started making our Christmas dinner." He smiles down at me, a warm chaste kiss being pressed to my lips.

My heart melts at his words, we decided that we would both cook the Christmas dinner together, and considering the vegetables take the second longest out of everything, he has kindly started. I noticed that the roast potatoes are cooking already in the oven, meaning that all I have to do is carve the turkey, prepare the gravy and set the table. Harry's hands fiddle mindlessly with Zaz, his purring of happiness loud enough to fill the entire room.

"I love you." I reply to Harry after a few seconds, watching his perfect green eyes rise to meet my hazel ones. A content smile makes it's way onto Harry's face, his dimples perfect as always.

"And so you should." He cheekily remarks, a teasing smile makes it onto his face and my jaw falls dramatically, a laugh uncontainable.

Abruptly, I force him to take Zazu into his arms, allowing me to make a quick and playfully offended escape. I make my way in the opposite direction, only to find Zazu now running beside me. "Shit." I mutter to myself knowing Harry's hands are now free and I have no hope in getting away from him.

As suspected, Harry's large hand holds a tight grasp on my forearm then spinning me around so I clash into his hard and toned chest without warning. He smirks down at me knowing he has succeeded. "I love you more." His voice whispers into my neck, his sultry warm breath sweet against my skin, his fingertips running up my sides only to hold my face gently in position as his lips near mine. His taste is euphoric, his beautifully plump lips making goosebumps rise on my skin as always, he knows he does this to me, he knows the effect he has on me and its torturous.

"Harry," I mumble into his lips not really wanting to pull away, "the," he kisses me yet again, not giving me any opportunity to speak a full sentence, "vegetables." This makes him stop abruptly.

"Oh yeah." He turns away from me and into the kitchen, leaving me stood there in a complete daze from his perfectly addictive kisses.

I freeze in my place, not wanting to move just yet. I feel like if I move I'll forget about what just happened, and I don't want to. Strong arms lift me up and carry me to the couch, Harry sits down with me on his lap allowing me to cuddle into him and nuzzle my face into his neck, his husky smell filling my senses as I grab securely onto him. "Its not ready, we have a while yet." He mumbles to me, taking out his phone and checking his messages.

Fallen Rain. (Sequel to Old Rain)Where stories live. Discover now