Chapter 56.

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"You ready baby?" Harry's voice calls through our bedroom door. I'm currently in the middle of getting changed into my dress for Simon's Christmas gala this evening. The smell of Harry's aftershave still lingers in the air around me and I smile, even the smell of him makes everything feel much more homely and safe. I glance at myself in our floor-length mirror that stands in the corner of our room, my dress is silk and the delicately smooth material feels delicious as it runs down my newly shaven legs. Between my breasts there is an opening that shows just the right amount of skin whilst the top of my strapless gown crosses over itself.

The minc colour matches my skin tone perfectly Harry says, my hair twisted up into a sophisticated updo with a side parting on my right. I couldn't be happier with my outfit for the evening, although it is a gala and there will be plenty of dancing, Simons parties are always elegant and sophisticated. He likes to drink champagne and mingle with his guests whilst they all walk around and slow dance on the ballroom floor; normally I wouldn't go for something like this but Simon is a big part of Harry's life and has been an incredible supporter of our relationship, he is a good friend of ours and it's a privilege to be invited to such an event.

The gala is also charity based and whatever money that it raises goes straight to different charities such as supporting soldiers, aiding sick children and providing medical equipment for under privileged countries. My attendance is for good causes and it's an honour to support them alongside some of the most prestigious people on this earth.

"Almost." With a last swipe of my luscious red lipstick, I smooth my dress once more and grab my matching minc coloured satin clutch bag. My ring clad hand grasps the door handle and I swing it open, Harry stands before me dressed in all black, his button up smooth and smart underneath his comfortably unbuttoned blazer whilst his newly tanned hands rest inside the pockets of his black skinny jeans. I have to take a moment to catch my breath, he looks so handsome, so perfectly faultless that I almost forget that he's real, that he's actually mine. "Wow," My mouse like voice let's out a whisper, still unbelieving of his effortless beauty, "you look absolutely incredible." I feel like any moment my eyes will pop out of my head due to staring too much. I'm not even hiding the fact that I'm staring at him, checking his attire from head to toe and imagining what lies beneath it.

"And you, my darling wife, look breathtaking." His hand lifts mine in an air like movement and he places his luscious lips to the top of it, his persistent green eyes never leaving me. He speaks again once he moves away, "and I love this," the soft tickle of his finger runs down the bare section of my chest that has been teasingly and fashionably left open for his eyes first.

"What are you doing to me?" I ask more to myself as his finger remains in place and he looks up at me through his eyelashes. Harry stop! I scream in my head hoping he can hear the desperate whine of my voice. I swear if he's not careful I won't be able to help myself.

"The question is my beautiful wife," Harry's breath now runs across my chest as he kisses the crevice between my breasts, "what are you doing to me?" I lay my shaking hands on top of his shoulders and attempt to ease my shuddering breathes of despair, the affect he has on me is astoundingly enticing. "Come, we're going to be late." I love this side of him.

He takes my hand in a gentlemanly fashion and assists me as we walk, my heels high and difficult to walk in at first. As always Harry opens my car door and closes it behind me as I get in, making sure my dress doesn't get trapped in the door. The drive is short and after the valet takes our car keys, Harry and I walk as confidently as possible through the sea of intimidating press and paps until we reach the architecturally stone building in front of us. The materials of the building thick and sturdy, filled with wonder and history throughout it's years. The fascinating design captures my attention and I am in absolute awe, staring at the masterpiece I am about to enter.

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