Chapter 43.

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I called Liz. She doesn't hate me, if anything she was completely understanding on the phone. Apparently everyone in the media has been really touched by my story; Liz also tells me that I've gotten a lot of calls from well known directors and casting people for excusive roles. Furthermore, I have been nomiated for two awards; Favourite movie actress and Best actress in leading role for my latest film. It's safe to say I was thoroughly suprised hearing all of this. I thought that a lot of people would hate me right now and the phone would be dead, but it seems people have a lot more respect for me - which I can't seem to understand why.

Zayn sent me an audio yesterday of Liam in the recording booth, I was a bit confused at first when I opened it but the moment I heard Liam's wonderful voice singing one of my songs, I understood the reasoning behind it. Knowing that the lads are singing one of my songs is actually really exciting; one of the most well known and talented bands in the world is singing a song that I wrote, and what's better is, I'm married to one of them. My entire life is bliss in comparrison to others and it makes me want to make a difference.

Oh, and I spoke to Dr Carter too who has said it's fine that I go back to work. The only person I needed to convince was Harry. His idea of me getting better is staying inside and 'relaxing', but how can you relax when you're so bored? That's what it is, day in and day out, just constant boredom. Now that Gemma is sleeping at her place again, I really have nothing to do in the evenings. My biggest thrill in the day is the hour I get to go outside to take Comet for a walk.

Today is my first work based event and I'm really excited about it, because it means that I also get to see someone I haven't seen in ages.

Alex, one of my security guards, parks up carefully ouside of the building being sure not to bump in to any screaming fans. He jumps out and politely asks the fans to stand back, then opens my door; my ears burst at the shrills and screams the fans make, all of them jumping on the spot as I get out of the car and wave to them.

It doesnt take me long to sign a few autographs and take some pictures before I have to make my way into the building and up to studio seven. The route is so familiar, I haven't been here in so long. Fond memories crawl back into my mind, so many smiles and laughs in this bulding and down this corridor. Gosh I remember the first time I walked down this corridor, having only just turned twenty after my first big break. Now that I think about it, it wasn't that long ago, three years in fact.

Alex walks closely behind me, and my phone dings as I reach for the door - I unlock it and glance at the message, inside is a small video from Niall of Harry eating some cereal. It's three in the morning over there, why is he eating cereal?

Niall: He's thinking of you.

I giggle at the text message, already sensing Niall's sarcastic tone. Harry's expression is clearly one of concentrated hunger and sleepiness; I'm guessing he woke up not that long ago and is devouring his breakfast before a hard days work. Poor thing. He is so oblivious to Niall's secret filming, it's actually quite amusing really.

Me: Of course he is. I'm thinking of him too. Miss you all x

My answer is symmetrically sarcastic and I chuckle at it. Alex clears his throat and I glance up at him expectantly, he looks down at me in minor shock and similar expectation. "Sorry," he starts, patting his neck lightly. "Bad cough."

I reach into my shoulder bag and pull out a tissue and some throat lozenges, handing both items to Alex. One side of his mouth quirks up in a thankful gesture and he gratefully takes the objects from me, immediately placing a lemon lozenge into his mouth. "I always carry them. They're Harry's favourites." I inform him in remembrance, recalling back to the time when Harry told me why they were his favourites.

Fallen Rain. (Sequel to Old Rain)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin