Chapter 37.

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"Okay, so have you packed everything? Toothbrush?"


"Plenty of jeans?"


"Extra shirts? And not the Hawaiian looking ones!"



"Who needs underwear?" Harry smiles giving me a teasing smirk.

"Harry!" I whine.

"Of course I have underwear. Stop worrying Em's, everything is packed, I promise. All of it was packed the last three times you made me check as well." He smiles and cups my face in his hands, "all you need to do now is worry about missing me."

I smile against his warm palms, unable to control my dimples properly when he's around. "You know I'll miss you more than anything in this world." My voice remains soft and genuine so he knows I'm being serious.

Today is the day that the lads leave for tour and I'm reluctantly excited. I'm happy for them all but I kind of wish they were staying too, I've gotten so use to having them around that it's difficult to watch them go again and not be able to do anything about it.

"You'll be fine I promise." Harry's lips land softly on my nose, the skin there warming due to his touch until he pulls away and places his forehead on mine. "I love you." He whispers to only me.

"You're okay." I whisper cheekily with a wide smile on my face. He rolls his eyes and with a playful scoff begins to walk away before I haul him back, "alright! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." His perfectly emerald green eyes glance down at me expectantly. "I love you Harry."

"Good." He gives in, placing a warm kiss to my lips. I genuinely, with all my heart, love this man, and he deserves the very best after putting up with me for these last three years. His lips smother mine passionately and my arms wrap tighter around his waist, I'm going to miss him so much, I owe him my life. "Til death do us part." I hear him mumble as we pull away, my fragile heart clenching at his words.

"Right, so everything's packed?" I ask more to myself than to Harry, I know how much he enjoys going on tour; his face lights up whenever he see's his fans and he gets this little sparkle in his eye.

"Yes dear." Harry's eyes roll yet again and I give him a gentle nudge, I'm just being overprotective, I always am whenever he leaves.

"And Harry, for the last time, be careful on stage! You know that the fans throw things and I don't want you getting hurt." My hands lie on his chest as I advise him, it's true though, the fans do tend to throw things and Harry hasn't quite understood the concept of dodging yet.

"Yes dear." He mocks me again.

"Harry I'm being serious. Louis told me he was hit in the eye not long ago, Niall's bad knee was hit, and I'm pretty sure you've been hit in the crotch a few times. Just be careful."

"Okay, okay. I will."

"That wasn't too hard now was it?" I smile up at him cheerily.

Although, Harry being Harry, his corrupt and dirty mind twists my words meaning I'm left with nothing but a smile and a raised eyebrow. "That's what she said."

"Ugh." Why is everyone saying that to me lately? I'm going to have to start watching what I'm saying around these lads. "Anyway..."

He laughs at my attempt to move the conversation along, even though Harry can be a big kid at times that's one of the things I love about him; how he manages to find the best in any situation, and can make me smile no matter what is going on at the time.

Fallen Rain. (Sequel to Old Rain)Where stories live. Discover now