Chapter 51.

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"Emma come on, hurry up!" I hear Harry's low tone call from the bottom of the stairs. He has decided to take us somewhere for a few days but refuses to tell me where, I'm actually surprised that I agreed to it. Harry and I haven't exactly left the bedroom since his return.

"I'm going as quickly as I can." He has no reason to complain considering I'm never normally late for events; I'm running slightly behind schedule on this occasion because my loving husband only decided to tell me that we were going away for a few days over breakfast half an hour ago, in which I was then ordered to start packing. So he hasn't left me much time to prepare.

I know I complain and moan but his notion is actually really sweet. He's obviously planned something particularly special for the both of us and I'm very grateful for it. I love the thought that he still wants to spend so much time with me after the last three years, how we are both still so head over heels for one another even after all that we've been through.

My toiletries are the last things to be thrown in my bag before I zip it up. I'm incredibly excited, I love going away to places with Harry; and it makes it even more thrilling because it's so last minute. "I'm done." My voice echoes around the house signalling to Harry that my bags are indeed packed and hinting to him to come upstairs and help me carry them. Harry said we're only going to be there for a few days and not to pack much but a girl can never be too careful.

I run in to Harry as I exit our main bedroom, watching as he comes out of the vacant spare bedroom opposite. "Ready?" He asks quizzically.

"Yes, let's go." Our things are soon packed into the car and we begin our journey to the mystery destination. I don't think I can even express how truly spontaneous this trip is, just under forty five minutes ago I was contently enjoying my bran flakes and blueberries, and now I'm driving to an unknown destination with my dear yet completely impulsive husband. "Can you tell me where we're going now?" I ask Harry hopefully, although I'm almost certain he won't give in.

"No, it's a surprise." My hazel eyes roll at his words, although I don't know why because I genuinely love surprises. It must be the excitement of the unknown, we could be going anywhere. Home maybe? No I don't think so.

"Please tell me." I whine desperately.

"Why don't you try and guess?" Harry huffs, trying to divert my annoying questioning. He's turning this into a little game, this should be fun if not challenging at the same time. Now if I were Harry what would I be thinking right now? Probably about something completely unrelated to everything. Where would he take me that's so special? Maybe I should actually start asking him the questions and trying to guess like he suggested I do.

However that's not how our relationship works, and instead, I decide to tease him. "Baby, if you tell me where we're going I'll sit the entire journey with my shirt off." I offer in the sweetest voice I can portray. My black mascara ridden eyelashes flutter in his direction and a coy smirk rests on my lips. He knows I would, it's if he will accept my offer.

Harry stays silent for a few moments, weighing up the pros and cons of my offer. His perfect pale green eyes flick between myself and the road ahead. It's clearly a tough decision for him, he's torn between two options and has no idea what to do. Harry's voice wavers to start with but he is soon able to find his inner confidence, "no." His words make me scowl. I was so close!

"Fine. No sex for you when we get there." I murmur under my breath, watching his head flick to me at lightening speed out of the corner of my eye. That seemed to catch his attention.

"Guess." My assumption is that these monosyllabic answers are Harry's way of not giving in to my temptation; and I must say, it seems to be working for him. For now.

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