Chapter 47.

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"You didn't have to make breakfast Emma." Anne croaks sleepily as she enters the kitchen, perching herself on one of the barstools behind where I'm standing. Today was officially my last day of filming, I only had to do one final scene which was extremely short so I didn't mind, it took the most of an hour and a half.

"I wanted to. And anyway, you've done it everyday since you got here, it's only fair." I reason with her. It's true, Anne has made us both breakfast every day this week so I thought it'd be a nice change; and also because I was wide awake when I came back from work an hour ago.

"What are you making?" She asks inquisitively, trying to look around me to see into the pan.

"I'm making scrambled egg on toast because you said that you felt like some last night." I answer, using the spatula to move the small clumps of egg around the pan.

"Aww wonderful. Thanks Em's." I hear Anne's smile as she flits through the newspaper that sits in front of her on the kitchen island. The pages rustle as she turns, reading the same things I read not too long ago, there's nothing really in there that I need to be informed on, I know most of it anyway having listened to the radio on my way to work.

My phone dings behind me as I concentrate on the eggs, "could you get that please Anne?" I ask kindly and hear her pick up the device from the counter beside her.

"It's Harry." She sounds confused, as am I. Why is he up so late? Or early? "He's sent you a picture of a cat."

A cat? I walk over to her - pan in hand - and glance at the message.

Harry: I love this kitty. Can we get this kitty? Pwetty please? I love it like I love you!

Is he drunk? The next minute, my ringtone is blaring and Liam's face is flashing on my screen. "Hey Liam." The phone balances between my shoulder and ear as I walk over to the stove to continue cooking breakfast.

"Hey Em's, sorry about that. Harry's a little-"

"Drunk?" I cut him off knowingly.

"Yeah. He got back from this party absolutely hammered, we're putting him to bed now-"

"I LOVE YOU EMMA WEMMA!" I hear my husbands shouted slur from the other end of the phone.

"Harry lie down." Liam utters, obviously trying to control the youngest member of the band. "Again, I'm sorry Em's, like I said he-"

"I REALLY DID LOVE THAT KITTY EMMA!" Harry shouts again.

"Shut the fuck up Harry." Louis' voice sounds also, clearly they are all frustrated with the drunken hooligan. My guess is that's he's woken them up in the middle of the night with his now loud and boisterous facade.

"Him and Niall went to a party after the show and got smashed. Niall fell asleep as soon as they got back but Harry's been non-stop singing ever since," he groans tiredly and I automatically sympathise with them. "We did take his phone off him incase he did something like this but he must have found it." Liam yawns.

"Okay, thanks Liam. Can you pass the phone to my husband please?"

"You sure?" His voice is cautious, I don't think he wants to just incase Harry says something stupid.

"Positive. I have a surprise for him." My smirk widens as I glance over at Anne.

"Okay." Liam says, happy to get the boy off his back and into somebody else's hands. After a few rustles and murmurs I finally hear my husbands slightly more high pitched voice enter the speaker.

"Hi sweetums. I really love that kitty, we should get one. I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you at Christmas." He rushes out, saying a million things at once without taking a breath.

Fallen Rain. (Sequel to Old Rain)Where stories live. Discover now