Chapter 1.

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I woke up this morning with a childish smile on my face, it's Christmas Eve and I'm so excited!

Over these last few weeks Harry and I have done nothing but shop for presents - and work of course - so we have everyone's gifts ready and wrapped. I love Christmas, I always remember as a little girl, running down the stairs to find three piles of presents for me and my brothers, all placed under the beautifully lit Christmas tree whilst my parents sat smiling on the couch holding up their cameras. Capturing our memories.

Some of those memories are on the walls of this house, along with similar ones from Harry's family.

I glance over my shoulder and see Harry's sleeping face on the pillow next to me, his mouth slightly agape and perfectly quiet snores leave his lips as he dreams. I turn my body so I'm facing him, laying a light kiss on his chest, "Harry." I whisper, wanting him to wake up; although I'm unsuccessful when he doesn't.

I move my lips up further and place them teasingly on his chin waiting for him to respond, but he doesn't, he just lies there, perfectly quiet and content. I lightly kiss his cheek, my warm breath fanning over his soft skin until I pull back and glance at him. I kiss him again on his cute nose, hearing his soft snores stop but he still doesn't open his eyes. One final time my lips ghostly touch the corner of his mouth leaving a light feathery kiss.

Before I have any time to think, two strong arms wrap themselves around my waist and flip me over his warm body until I'm lay beneath him on the other side of the bed, staring up into those perfect green eyes that I've grown to love even more every day. A small smirk is residing on his face as he glances down at me, his husky morning voice making goosebumps appear on my skin as he speaks, "you're such a tease."

I giggle at his words and shrug whilst he rests on one elbow above me, his other hand placed on my stomach before it reaches up and is positioned on the side of my face, pulling me up to his touch. His lips linger in front of me not moving; I know Harry well, and I know that right now, he wants me to come to him. But that's not what I'm going to do.

Realising this, he rolls his eyes at my stubborn actions and grunts disapprovingly, quickly pulling his face down and smashing his lips onto mine in the most perfect and passionate morning kiss I've ever had.

He pulls away reluctantly and rests his forehead on mine, like we always do, not really wanting to separate from each other quite yet. "I should wake you up like this every morning shouldn't I?" I smile feeling his bare sculpted chest against mine.

"Mhm." He hums happily placing a quick and small peck against my lips before sitting up, I'm dissatisfied by the cold breeze hitting me but I know we have to get up at some point. "Come on poppet." He takes a deep breath in and makes his way to the bathroom, me following closely behind for our normal morning ritual.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask him, squeezing some minty toothpaste onto both of our brushes. We both have a couple of weeks off work, which is perfect considering we can spend it together. Today and tomorrow we are in London and on Boxing Day we go back to Holmes Chapel and spend the day with our families. This year is mine and Harry's first official Christmas together, the last couple of years we've spent it with the rest of the group, but this year the day is ours entirely, and we're both really excited about it.

"I ink weh ud no open." He tries to explain with a mouth full of foamy toothpaste. 'I think we should go shopping.'

I simply shrug in response, "okay."

His eyebrows furrow and we both spit out the toothpaste, "You understood that?" He asks curiously whilst he wipes his mouth.

"Yeah." I shrug again, doing the same action as him.

Fallen Rain. (Sequel to Old Rain)Where stories live. Discover now