Chapter 7.

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After putting two large margarita pizzas into the oven, I discard the plastic packaging and make my way into the living room; as I do I am met with ten smiling fans, two lazy animals and my stunning husband, who are all gathered in waiting for the film to begin.

"Hi," I whisper to one of the girls as I shuffle past her, placing myself next to Harry on the floor so I can see all of their faces clearly. "So are you all excited?!" I enthuse, trying to warm myself up by rubbing my hands against my thighs quickly.

Harry wraps one of his strong arms around my body, pulling me into his chest and allowing some of his body heat to radiate off of him and onto me, which I am grateful for. "Yeah, thank you so much for inviting us in! We can't believe it!" One of the girls answers for everyone, although she is just as baffled as the rest of them.

"Well, don't be nervous okay? Just relax and enjoy the film, treat us like you would your friends." I smile at them all in a friendly way trying to help them stay calm and relax, in all fairness they are staying incredibly calm - even though I can hear the thumping of their hearts fill the room.

"Yeah, we're actually pretty boring in all honesty, we don't do much." Harry chuckles, making some of them laugh in return as others gaze around the room in awe.

"I think we actually have..." I don't allow myself to finish my sentence as I remove myself from Harry's warm side and reach my hand into the crevice underneath the coffee table, pulling out a roll of plain white stickers. I smile triumphantly, "I knew we had stickers!"

Harry's eyes furrow at the stickers, probably wondering why we have them. "Why do we have them?" I chuckle to myself as he asks me that question, knowing by the previous look on his face that it would come sooner or later. My smirk remains as I hand them out to the fans, passing around several pens for them all to write their names on.

"I got them earlier this year when I did that Easter egg hunt for you, remember?" I smile at him, trying to trigger any memory of the event for him.

I try my best to make Harry happy on a daily basis, we always try and do different things and go to different places together because we know how rare our quality time is; it's either Harry around the world on tour for nine months or me in another country filming a new movie for six months or longer, when it comes to our jobs they can be so unpredictable, so we make the most of each other when we can.

Like for Easter, I used the rectangular white stickers to write little riddles to where the next egg was hidden, at the end was one of the biggest chocolate eggs I could find. Although, it didn't last long considering Harry had eaten it within that same week.

Our personal time together is precious considering it's so rare.

A small smirk falls onto Harry's face, him clearly remembering the joyous Easter Day. He chuckles inwardly to himself, forgetting about the other eleven people in the room as he reminisces happily.

Once he is finally back from his daydream he gives me a cheeky wink and bites his lower lip. Am I forgetting something or is he just thinking about a different day?

He nudges my shoulder playfully with his own, that smirk still on his face, glancing up at me through his dark eyelashes. "That was a good day." He smirks giving me a wink. At that moment I remembered what we did that night, realising why he has been smirking all this time. I laugh in embarrassment and hit him softly on the shoulder, my complexion now red and bashful as we both chuckle, the fans oblivious to our reasoning.

My head swivels around and notices their confused stares having no idea why me and Harry have just randomly started laughing. "Sorry," I murmur to them all, earning soft and sweet smiles, "okay, I know this is really cliché but, we'll go around everybody and we can all say a bit about ourselves." I offer, glancing at the first girl on my left.

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