Chapter 39.

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Well, today is my birthday. I'm officially twenty three now. I can't exactly say I've been dreading my birthday considering I'm not that old in all fairness, but I am dreading the fact that Harry isn't here and I have nothing planed. So basically, I'm doing nothing today.

Although, I could do something exciting for the occasion; like taking Comet (and Zaz) for a walk, or nipping to the local supermarket to pick up some bread because we've run out. I roll my eyes internally at my sarcastic thoughts, today is no doubt going to be a boring day and you know what? I'm kind of okay with that.

Also if you're wondering, I haven't spoken to Harry in about two days; although I understand because I know he gets extremely busy especially when he's on tour. It's not that we haven't wanted to talk to each other, it's just that whenever I ring it goes straight to voicemail, and he hasn't called me either; which I assume is because he's so busy.

I open my eyes and raise my head to see a lump of fur say contently on my chest, and another lump of fur cuddled up right next to my head. My smile is involuntary as I look at them, they're so adorable and incredibly affectionate too.

"Morning lads." I groan to them with a rasp. As predicted, I receive nothing back except from a gentle nuzzle into the side of my head from Zaz. "Come on, get up guys." Again nothing. They refuse to move, so I try my newest trick. "Breakfast!" My voice raises with high pitched enthusiasm and both their ears prick up, they both look at me expectantly and jump to their feet excitedly.

Comet and Zazu follow me happily down the stairs, which I've grown use to using by myself now, of course I still use the hand rail for support but I'm proud of this little accomplishment. After squeezing the two food packets into the correct bowls I quickly run back upstairs to get ready, this is my normal routine now; feed the two little monsters, get a shower, get ready and then find something to do.

I quickly get a shower and put my make up on, I know I'm not doing anything in particular today but I just feel fresher when I'm all ready. I decide to put on a baby pink playsuit with a laced back as I feel it's the most appropriate choice for a scorching day like this, apparently it's supposed to be thirty degrees Celsius; which if you live in England, is almost like a visit to the centre of the sun. It's safe to say we're not very used to the heat.

I slip into some white pumps and glance at myself in the mirror content with my outfit choice of the day, it's a cute casual I suppose. Comet gives me a small bark as he hops into the room full of energy, I love how he's always happy, it brightens up my day. "Hey Comet!" My smile widens at the puppy, his tongue sticking out as he pants, hanging floppily at the side of mouth.

The sound of my ringtone alerts me and I look around the room frantically to find the small device, "find the phone Comet!" I shout to him, still looking everywhere for it. I don't understand how I could lose it, it's always by my side; he comes sprinting happily towards me with my phone in his mouth. "Good boy!" I grin larger at him.

"Hello?" My voice speaks into the phones small microphone as myself and Comet walk down the stairs; although, I'm a little surprised to find a note on my front door, I must have missed it when I came to feed Comet and Zaz.

"Happy Birthday babe." A familiar raspy voice sounds into the phone, clearly he's just woken up, it must be about four in the morning where he is. His voice is slow and rough as he speaks, "you're getting old now." Harry's small chuckle warms my heart.

"Harry you're a year and a half older than me," I laugh at him, "and I'm pretty sure I noticed a grey hair the last time I saw you!"

"Stop teasing babe, you know you didn't." His beautiful laugh sounds again, I could honestly never get tired of hearing that laugh, and I seem to love it even more when he's away. With my phone pressed to my ear I walk over to the front door and read the note that has clearly been left for me.

Fallen Rain. (Sequel to Old Rain)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें